Zero-Emission Geothermal Power Generation: Experimental Study on Carbonate Mineralization through CO2-Andesitic Pyroclastic Rock Interaction at Oku-Aizu Geothermal Plant
(ISSN 2690-1692)
Journal of Energy and Power Technology (JEPT) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. This periodical is dedicated to providing a unique, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary platform for researchers, scientists and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies and industry. The journal is also of interest to technology developers, planners, policy makers and technical, economic and policy advisers to present their research results and findings.
Journal of Energy and Power Technology focuses on all aspects of energy and power. It publishes not only original research and review articles, but also various other types of articles from experts in these fields, such as Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, and more, to promote intuitive understanding of the state-of-the-art and technology trends.
Main research areas include (but are not limited to):
Renewable energies (e.g. geothermal, solar, wind, hydro, tidal, wave, biomass) and grid connection impact
Energy harvesting devices
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Hybrid/combined/integrated energy systems for multi-generation
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Organic and inorganic photovoltaics
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Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 6.6 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 11.7 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 7 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)
Special Issue
Geothermal Energy Exploration and Production
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2019 (Closed) Submit Now
Guest Editor
Andres Navarro Flores, PhD
Senior Professor, Department of Fluid Mechanics, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Research Interests: geochemistry, geothermal, salt contaminats
About This Topic
Geothermal systems are found in a range of geological settings and each of the different types has distinct characteristics which may be reflected in the superficial features of these systems and the chemistry of fluids. The geothermal exploration could minimize risks related to resource temperature, depth, productivity and sustainability prior to drilling. The surveying techniques used may include surface studies (active surface features, etc.), geothermometry (fluid and soil sampling) and geophysical surveying (gravity, ER, magnetotelluric, seismic, temperature gradient, etc.).
The estimation of reservoir temperatures is a major goal in geothermal exploration. Geothermometric calculations were used in order to assess the possible temperatures that may allow the exploitation of reservoirs. Chemical geothermometers are based on temperature dependent water-rock equilibrium, and give the last temperature of water-rock equilibrium attained in the aquifer. Nonetheless, the application of some geothermometers to mixed waters or partially equilibrated waters may produce poor results. Furthermore, the evaluation of thermal energy potential may be estimated by using mathematical models, which resolves heat, flow and mass transport equations in order to estimate the efficiency of geothermal applications. At final stage of the geothermal exploration begins the test drilling in order to demonstrate the feasibility of commertial production.
Flooded underground mines also may constitute a potential geothermal resource for low-temperature uses, or even for electricity production, if the reservoir reaches a sufficiently high temperature. The closure of deep abandoned mines involve the cessation of the expensive pumping systems and the progressive mine flooding and groundwater rebound may cause the transport of contaminants and energy. In these cases, mine waters may be a source of renewable energy and their hydrogeochemistry may be useful to determine the origin and nature of fluids. Thus, the use of mine water for geothermal purposes may provide an innovative opportunity to extract low-grade geothermal energy.
The conversion of geothermal energy into electrical energy may require the use of traditional power plants: direct dry-steam, flash steam and binary plants. The study of advances systems (super-critical fluids, etc.) may be of great interest for future geothermal exploitation.
Exploration; Geothermal surface features; Hot springs; Geochemical surveying; Geothermometry; Multicomponent geothermometry; Geophysical surveying; Numerical modeling; Heat and mass transport modeling; Test drilling; Geothermal power plants; Enhanced geothermal systems; Geothermal mine water
Planned Papers
Title: Machine Learning to Aid Exploration and Production of Geothermal Resources
Authors: Fred Aminzadeh 1, Kelly Rose 2
Affiliations: 1. Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA;
2. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, USA
Title: Dynamic Geothermal Exploration Methods Versus Static Methods of High Temperature Systems
Authors: Manfred P Hochstein 1, Eylem Kaya 2
Affiliations: 1. School of Environment, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
2. Engineering Geothermal Institute, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract: Climate changes will put an extra demand on the development of geothermal systems. For the necessary surveys we discuss the geophysical methods which will be used in the future exploration of high temperature geothermal systems. These systems can be divided into high temperature systems (usually greater than 220 °C at economic depth), as they are typical for volcanic active regions and for crustal intrusions, and low temperature systems (less than 120 °C) which are not suitable for electricity generation.
The geophysical methods used for high temperature systems can be divided into dynamic methods which measure anomalies caused by fluid movement underground and static methods which describe thermal alterations in an active or non-active geothermal system. The static methods can reflect paleo-activity. Both methods are used to site exploration drilling. Dynamic methods are measurements of active natural heat loss and certain micro seismic methods which allow for tracing of fluid paths and tectonic activity. For active systems one can also use the self potential method and the resistivity methods. However, paelo-systems, or non-active systems, can also produce similar resistivity and magnetic anomalies. Examples are presented for both class of methods for selected systems obtained over the past five to ten years.
Manuscript Submission Information
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Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Research articles and review articles are highly invited. Authors are encouraged to send the tentative title and abstract of the planned paper to the Editorial Office ( for record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office.
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Zero-Emission Geothermal Power Generation: Experimental Study on Carbonate Mineralization through CO2-Andesitic Pyroclastic Rock Interaction at Oku-Aizu Geothermal PlantAbstract In order to achieve advancement in zero-emission geothermal power generation for fixing the CO2 in the geothermal fluids to the carbonate minerals after binary power generation and reinjection of the fluid into the reservoir, batch-type experiments and geochemical simulations of CO2 [...] |
Sustainability Assessment of Power Generation from an Abandoned Oil and Gas Well in Alberta, Canadaby
![]() Abstract The main objective of this paper is to study the sustainability of power generation from an abandoned oil and gas well in the province of Alberta, Canada. Economic and environmental indicators were used for the sustainability assessment. A conceptual design for a pilot plant was developed, and the main parameters were determined. An abandoned [...] |