Table of Content

Open Access Concept Paper

Wave Age and Steepness Relation in Growing Wind Seas: A Case Study during Hurricane Matthew in 2016

Received: 12 March 2023;  Published: 20 June 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302037


For wind-wave interaction studies, from the literature, two criteria for the wind sea are used: one is the wave age and the other wave steepness. Analysis of pertinent datasets from a data buoy near the passage of Hurricane Matthew in 2016 indicates that = -15 + 1.3. Here is the wave age and is the wave steepness, where Cp is the phase speed of the peak wave, U10 is the wind speed at 10 m, Hs is the significant wave height, and Lp is the peak or dominant wave length. It is found that 87% of the variation betw [...]

443 4452

Open Access Review

Environmental Land Management and Assessment, in the Context of Resource and Climate-Related Conflict

Received: 23 November 2022;  Published: 12 June 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302036


This paper reviews the growing importance of satellite imagery to provide Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) maps, relevant to environmental land management assessment, in the context of resource and climate-related conflict based upon our own humanitarian project-related support. Near real-time space-based monitoring benefits land assessment, human rights observers, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), in the presence of unstable regimes or socio-economic upheaval. Access to areas to validate clai [...]

512 4023

Open Access Research Article

Risk Assessment and Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in Mexico for Indigenous and Women

Received: 06 November 2022;  Published: 06 June 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302035


The present article studies the policy, numbers, and costs of disaster risk management (DRM) in Mexico, a country highly exposed to climate change, due to two oceans warming up. The PEISOR methodology facilitates interrelating complex interactions and pressures between the natural and the societal system (P), where dangerous effects (E) occur in extreme events, such as floods, landslides, and drought. The impacts (I) of global warming, the pressure of historical poverty, and vulnerable regions were affected by the [...]

445 4319

Open Access Review

Avoiding a Grim Future: The Climate Crisis and Its Effects on Human Aggression and Violence

Received: 30 August 2022;  Published: 24 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302034


As the climate crisis has progressed, scientists have begun to ask, "How does a rapidly warming ecosystem impact human behavior?" As aggression scholars and non-professional environmentalists, it has become increasingly clear that the impact of the climate crisis, without intervention, will dramatically increase humans' exposure to risk factors known to cause aggressive and violent behavior. This article describes a model that explains the indirect and direct effects of the climate crisis on aggression and violence [...]

889 6778

Open Access Original Research

Adsorption of Phosphate by Synthesized Silver/Calcium Oxide-Activated Carbon Nanocomposite

Received: 24 February 2023;  Published: 24 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302033


Developing adsorbents with appreciable morphology will create new approaches for better phosphate adsorption performance. This study aims to investigate the design of an adsorbent by impregnating silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) onto calcium oxide-activated carbon (CaO-AC). The Ag/CaO-AC nanocomposite was used as an adsorbent to remove phosphate. Batch adsorption studies were performed to evaluate the effects of adsorbent dose, initial phosphate concentration, contact time, and pH on removing phosphate from an aqueous [...]

860 5791

Open Access Original Research

Recycling Potential in the European Union (EU) of Low Voltage Three-Phase Induction Motors Up to 75 kW of Power: Quantitative Analysis

Received: 16 November 2022;  Published: 15 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302032


This article quantifies the recycling potential of the metallic materials that make up three-phase induction motors. The data on the use of electric motors by type and power determines that the most significant recycling potential lies in this low-voltage motor which powers up to 75 kW. The work aims to show the possibility of such recycling in the European Union (EU). The metals used to make the various parts of the induction motor and the main recycling methods that allow their reuse are listed. It evaluates whic [...]

778 4991

Open Access Original Research

Comparing Two Strategies for Locating Hydrogen Refueling Stations under High Demand Uncertainty

Received: 21 February 2023;  Published: 15 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302031


This research aims to model and compare two strategies for locating new hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) in a context of high uncertainty on H2 demand and on the spatial distribution of demand points. The first strategy S1 represented by an agent-based model integrating a particle swarm optimization metaheuristic consists of finding the best HRS locations by adapting to the real evolution of the demand. A second strategy S2 consists in solving a classical capacitated p-median problem based on H2 consumption foreca [...]

521 4343

Open Access Review

Laccase: A Green Solution for Environmental Problems

Received: 21 February 2023;  Published: 05 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302030


A multicopper oxidase, laccases catalyze the four-electron reduction of the substrate with the use of molecular oxygen. Laccases are abundant in nature and can be found in virtually every form of life on the planet. Generally speaking, laccases are classified into three types: blue, white, and yellow. Plant, bacterial and fungal laccases all have the same trinuclear copper site for substrate reduction. Non-phenolic as well as phenolic molecules are both capable of being catalyzed by this enzyme. Laccases are used i [...]

991 12759

Open Access Original Research

N2O Emission Pattern in A Legume-Based Agroecosystem

Received: 26 January 2023;  Published: 26 April 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302029


Legumes provide several ecological services to agroecosystems, but there is a lack of references on services related to N flows for a wide range of legume crops. N2O emissions were measured in two field experiments using a two-year legume-cereal crop sequence. In the first year (2014 and 2016), different legume crops were grown (lupin, pea, fava bean, common bean, soybean, chickpea) and compared to fertilized cereals (barley and sorghum). Once the seeds were harvested and the residues incorporated in the soil, unfe [...]

706 4343

Open Access Original Research

Chemical Regeneration of Activated Carbon Used in A Water Treatment System for Medical Services

Received: 25 October 2022;  Published: 21 April 2023;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2302028


The chemical regeneration of exhausted granular activated carbon (GAC) from a water treatment plant to produce dialysis water used in hemodialysis treatments for chronic renal disease patients from a general Hospital of Ciego de Avila province, Cuba, was investigated. Activated carbon (AC) exhausted mainly by inorganics (Ca (Ca-chelates), Mg and Na) was regenerated using hydrochloric acid and acetic acid (one regeneration cycle). Solutions of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%(v/v) as well as four contact times (2 h, 4 h, 6 h an [...]

983 5781