Editors serve LIDSEN journals are divided into two major groups according to affiliation difference: the external and internal editors. The structure of LIDSEN editor positions is shown below:
All Academic Editors, the key of scientific quality, are external editors. Internal Editors, the editorial staff, mainly organize, maintain and improve the systematic publishing procedures. Both external and internal editors should follow an ethical manner and professional courtesy in the publishing activities.
We strictly adhere to the criteria specified by COPE, OASPA, WAME and DOAJ for an ethical scholarly publishing with maximum transparency. Therefore, at each stage of the editorial process, all editors should follow the ethical requirements:
We recommend editors to refer to Responsible Research Publication: International Standards for Editors when judging manuscripts and controlling the editorial process.
All Academic Editors are closely assisted by the editorial staff in LIDSEN. Academic Editors do not need to do editorial work, e.g., layout manuscripts, edit paper language, etc. Academic Editors monitor the editorial process, safeguard the publications’ scientific quality and represent the journal in academic communities. As a result of team work, sometimes, the responsibilities of different editor positions would overlap.
The Editor-in-Chief is the most senior position in Academic Editors. With the assistance from Managing Editor, Editor-in-Chief leads the journal with the responsibility to:
The Section Editor-in-Chief is the person in charge of the particular section of the journal. With the assistance from Managing Editor, Section Editor-in-Chief leads the particular section of the journal with the responsibility to:
The Associate Editor should support the Editor-in-Chief and Section Editor-in-Chief in the conduct of journal affairs. With the assistance from Managing Editor, the Associate Editor supports the journal with the responsibility to:
Editorial Board is the think tank of the journal that is constituted by a group of prominent experts who support the journal with the responsibility to:
Advisory Board, e.g., Ethics Advisory Board, is the group of experts equivalent to the Editorial Board in academic standing but are not extensively involved in the above-mentioned duties. They provide expert advice on certain technical aspects of studies.
Depending on their research interests, Editorial Board Members are assigned to different sections of the Editorial Board to commit to the development of a particular section. The Section Board Members have the same responsibilities and enjoy the same benefits as Editorial Board Members. Their responsibilities are mainly to:
The Guest Editor is leading scholars in the research field of a topical issue, the Special Issue, which gathers state-of-the-art reviews and research articles from distinguished scientists as well as active young scholars. Guest Editor of a special issue has the responsibility to:
The Collection Editor is leading scholars in the research field of a topical collection, the Collection, which gathers state-of-the-art reviews and research articles from distinguished scientists as well as active young scholars. Collection Editor of a collection has the responsibility to:
Decision Making Decision to accept or reject a manuscript can only be made by Academic Editors. Academic Editors are independent from internal editors, meaning that internal editors can never influence Academic Editors’ decisions; likewise, independent from reviewers, meaning that reviewers’ recommendations assist but not determine editors’ decisions. Academic Editors can make a decision that conflicts with the reviewers based on their own understanding on the manuscript’s importance and contribution to the field. However, in this case, a justification are compulsory. Any conflicts of interest should be disclosed to handling editors immediately when receiving a decision request. Normally, in the process of a manuscript, the handling editor would ask for an Academic Editor’s decision at one or two stages: before reporting back to authors and after authors’ revision. At the first stage, Academic Editors need to generally review the manuscript and carefully check the review reports, making sure that the reviewers are qualified and suitable, the manuscript is reviewed in depth and the review comments are pertinent and courteous. At the second stage, Academic Editors need to carefully check whether authors have properly also courteously addressed the review comments and whether the manuscript have been improved to the publishable level. If Academic Editors have additional comments that help to further improve the manuscript, they can provide detailed comments at either stage, trying to limit major revisions no more than twice. Sometimes, reviewers, or reviewer and author would have different opinions. Academic Editors needs to look into the case as an adjudicator based on their own knowledge, review the controversial points in person, provide a conclusion, then make an objective decision. If an Academic Editor is not convenient to make a decision within the expected timeframe, he/she should notify the handling editor timely, so that handling editor could turn to another editor who might be available. A manuscript might be declined from a special issue but transferred to another (or to regular section) if it is unsuitable for the special issue due to its theme but acceptable based on its scientific merits. |
Managing Editors propose journal development plan for Editor-in-Chief’s consideration, execute the plan after it is approved by the Editor-in-Chief, prepare journal development reports to the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board, ensure Academic Editors’ credentials are checked and approved, identify important and interesting topics in the journal’s research field, commission high-quality articles, pre-screen new submissions before sending it to Academic Editors for pre-check, call Academic Editors’ attention to potential author/reviewer misconducts, draft short news and research highlights. Managing Editors assist all Academic Editors, monitor assistant and production editors, and overall push forward the journal.
Assistant Editors liaise with authors, reviewers and Academic Editors on manuscript basis, do light copyediting, organize peer review, report any suspected author/reviewer misconducts to Managing Editors, assist Managing Editors in journal data collection.
After a manuscript is accepted by an Academic Editor, production editors will collaborate in layout, language correction and polishing, conversion to other formats, then finally publish the paper online. At each stage, production editors could only adjust its looking pattern and style, but should faithfully maintain the content in the form of which it was accepted. If any editing would influence the expression or meaning, e.g., editing on units, grammar, etc., production editors should notify the authors for a final confirmation before publication.