Genetic Explanations for Fertility Disorders
1459 8380
Genetic Explanations for Fertility DisordersAbstract
This article reviews the genetic testing of infertility disorders. Genetic abnormalities can lead to disturbances of sexual development and hamper reproduction by influencing gamete production and maturation, fertilization, and embryonic development. Until now, the vast majority of detectable genetic abnormalities causing infertility were chromosomal abnormalities in both males and females. However, the number of monogenetic disorders, which play a role in disturbing fertility, such as single gene defects or comple [...] 1459 8380 |
Splicing HAC1/XBP1 mRNAs in Cytoplasm: The Non-Conventional mRNA Splicing Reaction in the Unfolded Protein ResponseAbstract
The majority of the secretory and transmembrane proteins are folded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER, a collective of signalling pathways, termed the unfolded protein response (UPR), are activated to restore the ER protein folding homeostasis. The most evolutionarily conserved branch of UPR is mediated by the kinase/endoribonuclease Ire1. Ire1 mediates a cytosolic non-conventional mRNA splicing reaction of HAC1 mRNA in yeast and XBP1 mRNA in mammalian cells. The spliced [...] 1696 9054 |
HER2 FISH for Breast Cancer: Advances in Quantitative Image Analysis and AutomationAbstract
Quantitative image analysis of the status of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) by both immunohistochemistry staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is important for the treatment of breast cancer. Guidelines of the American Society for Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists, for HER2 FISH, have evolved over time to improve test accuracy, and efforts have been made to better address the problems with the interpretation that are encountered with borderline-positive cases. S [...] 1661 10736 |
Professionals’ Views on Offering Pre-Natal Testing for Adult Onset Cancer Susceptibility. Reconciling Personal and Professional Ethical Conflicts, Coping Strategies and Need for Policy Transparencyby
Lorraine Cowley
Mari Jones
This paper explores views of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in genetics and foetal medicine settings on offering pre-natal diagnosis (PND) for adult onset cancer susceptibility (AOCS) genes. Study participants came from different disciplinary backgrounds and all had considered implications of offering PND for AOCS, directly or indirectly, from professional and personal perspectives. Foetal medicine and genetics teams are accustomed to offering PND with the possibility of terminating an affected foetus on the basis [...] 1418 7840 |
MSIGNET: A Bayesian Approach for Disease-associated Gene Network Identificationby
Xi Chen
Jianhua Xuan
The analysis of gene networks and signalling pathways plays a key role in understanding gene functions, i.e., their effects on the development of a particular disease. Yet, for many heterogeneous diseases, the number of known disease-associated genes is limited. Identifying disease-associated genes is still an open challenge. To understand the functions of genes associated with a disease, we develop a Metropolis-Hastings sampling based SIGnificant NETwork (MSIGNET) identification approach. MSIGNET integrates diseas [...] 1435 7898 |
Knight in Splicing Armor: Alternative Splicing as a Neuroprotective MechanismAbstract
By adjusting gene expression in response to environmental changes, cells can optimize fitness as needed. Alternative splicing is one of the most important post-transcriptional regulation steps, broadly involved in diverse physiological and pathological conditions. Here, we present 5 cases of alternative splicing conferring increased neuroprotection through diverse mechanisms. These examples highlight the enormous power of alternative splicing in maintaining viability of neurons. From pre-mRNA secondary structure al [...] 1318 8587 |
Effective Delivery of Cancer Vaccines with Oxidatively Photo-Inactivated Transgenic Leishmania for Tumor Immunotherapy in Mouse ModelsAbstract
The parasitic protozoa in the genus of Leishmania have exceptionally favorable attributes for exploitation as a vehicle for safe and effective delivery of transgenically incorporated vaccines against infectious and malignant diseases. A dual suicidal mechanism was installed in Leishmania via genetic and chemical engineering in vitro for accumulation of photosensitizers, rendering them sensitive to dim light for inactivation. Leishmania so inactivated are non-viable, but immunologically competent to deliver vaccines [...] 1394 8119 |
Another Productive YearAbstract
At the beginning of a new year it is always good to look both backwards and forwards and to highlight a few items that are relevant with respect to the long-term development of our journal. As everybody knows, the principle of open access publishing is that the authors pay fees (the article‐processing charges or APCs) to publish in the journal rather than that the readers pay subscription costs for the journal. Three years ago, OBM Genetics started as an open access journal publishing its first papers totally free [...] 739 6750 |