Management of Older People With Diabetes - A Focus On Mental Functions
1069 7279
Management of Older People With Diabetes - A Focus On Mental FunctionsAbstract
The prevalence of diabetes in older people is increasing. Diabetes in old age is associated with increased risk of mental dysfunction. Cognitive dysfunction and mood disorders such as depression, anxiety and diabetes-related distress tend to coexist in older people with diabetes and appear to have bidirectional relationship acting as a risk factor and, at the same time, as a consequence of diabetes. To break the vicious circle of this complex reciprocal relationship between diabetes and mental dysfunction, early id [...] 1069 7279 |
Known–Unknowns in Geriatric Cardiologyby
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The present article summarizes the current state of understanding in geriatric cardiology in terms of the main developments in the field. The focus of the present review is on the therapeutics, into the specific characteristics of the elderly patients dealing with the prevention of arterial hypertension, bradycardic arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery syndromes, valve heart diseases, and heart failure. Progress in the field of medicine has rendered it possible to treat lethal cardiac diseases in the [...] 1136 7203 |
Biomaterial to Improve Drug Delivery in Alzheimer's Disease: Linking Major Pathogenic PathwaysAbstract
Aging, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, and other factors can all synergistically promote diverse pathological mechanisms. These risk factors trigger widespread inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can lead to blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption. These pathological cascades lead to neuronal Ca2+ increase, neurodegeneration, gradual cognitive/memory decline, and eventually Alzheimer's disease. In particular, more recent research indicates that chronic inflammator [...] 1111 7692 |
Dysphagia and Oral Health in Older PeopleAbstract
Dysphagia is a term that is used for the difficulty in moving liquid/food from mouth to the stomach. Dysphagia is very common in elders, which makes them susceptible to malnutrition, infection, institutionalization, and death. Consequently, it is categorized as a geriatric syndrome. Therefore, multidisciplinary teams need to work together to determine the correct etiology and implement an appropriate care plan. Oral care is crucial in managing dysphagia and dental hygienists and dentists serve as the key members. I [...] 1484 11284 |
Exploring the Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Blood Coagulability in Caregivers of Patients with Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trialby
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The incidence of vascular diseases among caregivers of dementia patients is high, and one potential cause is the exacerbation of blood coagulability due to mental strain from caregiving. This study aimed to examine the effects of aerobic exercise on blood coagulability, from the perspective of improving the health of caregivers. Thirty-one healthy elderly caregivers, residing with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s-type dementia, were randomly divided into two groups. In the intervention group, moderate walking ex [...] 967 8608 |
Alzheimer's Disease: Parsing the Pathways Leading to the Disease Based on the Spirochete/Biofilm HypothesisAbstract
A pathway which highlighted spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi and dental treponemes) that made biofilms which led to Alzheimer’s disease has recently been promulgated. All the Alzheimer’s disease, on which this pathway was based, had been specifically confirmed both clinically and pathologically. This current work will show putative and plausible individual pathways that were studied. First and foremost, intracellular spirochetes make biofilms and concurrently make beta amyloid; this has been shown in vitro in pure [...] 1096 7185 |
Problems Associated with the Measurement of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of DementiaAbstract
Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) affect nearly all persons living with dementia (PLWD) at some point during the course of the disease. Given the absence of a cure or effective pharmacotherapy for dementia, it is particularly important to prevent, measure, track, and manage NPS in dementia care. Unfortunately, these efforts are hindered by inconsistent operational definitions and measurement tools for numerous neuropsychiatric symptoms. This review examines agitation, aggression, restlessness, and rejection of care a [...] 1321 9139 |
Cortical Activity and Rhythmic Patterns in Mouse Models of Aging and Alzheimer’s DiseaseAbstract
Aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have been reported to induce changes in the cerebral cortex circuits. The present review aims to study these alterations by reviewing emergent cortical activity with a focus on the rhythmic patterns. The rationale for this approach was two-fold: (i) emergent rhythmic activity integrates cellular and network properties of these underlying circuits; and (ii) alterations in rhythmic patterns reflect the functional impact of changes on the network induced by the pathophysiology of the [...] 911 8312 |
Behaviors of Persons with Dementia: A Review and New Perspective for Future ResearchAbstract
Through the assessment of previous and current literature on the behaviors experienced by persons with dementia, this review discusses the terminology, conceptual models, measurement techniques, and non-pharmacological interventions employed within behavioral research. Additionally, this review considers the illness experience and the need for more research using self-report methodology with persons with dementia in order to address the current gaps within the behaviour literature. With three main objectives, this [...] 1212 10746 |