Table of Content

Open Access Research Article

Key Dimensions of Therapeutic Lies in Dementia Care: A New Taxonomy

Received: 12 December 2018;  Published: 11 February 2019;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1901032


Background: Research suggests that the use of lies and deception is prevalent within dementia care settings, despite ongoing debates raised about the ethics of this approach. There has been increasing exploration of when and why deceptive practices should be used, but the lack of clarity as to what constitutes a lie has caused difficulty in ensuring that lies are used ethically. The aim of this study was to widen our understanding of the key dimensions that underpin the use of lies, and further to use this informa [...]

1453 11612

Open Access Editorial

Telomere Editorial - Perspectives on Telomeres and Aging

Received: 29 January 2019;  Published: 30 January 2019;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1901031


Telomere Editorial-Perspectives on Telomeres and Aging

1294 9330

Open Access Research Article

An Examination of How the ‘Household Model' of Care Can Contribute to Positive Ageing for Residents in the ‘Fourth Age’

Received: 15 November 2018;  Published: 24 January 2019;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1901030


Promoting a good quality of life for the oldest members of society has become a top priority as evidenced in UK policy. The ‘household’ model is a departure from traditional approaches to care provision since it offers person-centred support - combing health and social care - to older people in specially-designed, small, homelike environments. Having gained increasing popularity in care homes across developed countries, the impact of this model of service delivery on residents’ quality of life and its contribution [...]

1741 11234

Open Access Research Article

Aging and the Art of Happiness: Time Effects of A Positive Psychology Program with Older Adults

Received: 31 October 2018;  Published: 10 January 2019;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1901029


Background: Research has shown that positive psychology interventions can enhance subjective well-being and reduce depression, however, the efficacy of these programs with older adult populations has not been widely examined. The present study studied the short and long term impact of an intervention enhancing happiness and overall mental well-being in older adults. Method: The Art of Happiness is an 8-week program conducted at 2 senior centers in the state of Delaware. Each 90 minute class examined a different top [...]

1489 11826

Open Access Research Article

Acceptance of Information and Communication Technologies for Healthy and Active Aging: Results from Three Field Studies

Received: 31 October 2018;  Published: 04 January 2019;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1901028


Background: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) could have a lot of potentialities to promote healthy aging and to increase the quality of life of elderly people. Several barriers like access, performance, psychological, and privacy issues still exist against fully deploying ICT solutions for the elderly. The investigation of factors affecting acceptance of ICT services by elderly people provides useful insight in order to overcome the above-mentioned barriers. The present paper discusses factors affe [...]

1389 7403

Open Access Review

What Activities Count as Active Aging? The Challenge of Classifying Diversity

Received: 07 November 2018;  Published: 26 December 2018;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1804027


Active aging is a concept used to describe and promote lifestyles that contribute to successful aging. However, these lifestyles vary widely, and the concept of active aging encompasses many activities. This paper considers two axes to classify the range of activities that can contribute to active aging: the resources needed to carry out such activities and the main orientation of the activities (individual or collective). To illustrate this classification, three main activities were analyzed: participation in leis [...]

1420 8846

Open Access Concept Paper

Understanding the Functional Roles of Multi-Modal Processing and Gc Activation In Older People's Performance in Caregiving Training

Received: 05 October 2018;  Published: 25 December 2018;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1804026


The current article addresses the working memory constraints experienced by older people in caregiving training. Two different approaches aiming to free the older people’s working memory space were discussed. They include multi-modal visual processing and Gc activation. The emphasis was on the theoretical underpinnings of both approaches with empirical evidence from the research and literature to demonstrate their effectiveness in older people’s caregiving training. Further discussion was made with respect to the t [...]

1370 8672

Open Access Research Article

Wisdom and Curiosity Among Older Learners: Elucidating Themes of Well-Being from Beautiful Questions in Older Adulthood

Received: 30 October 2018;  Published: 24 December 2018;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1804025


(1) Background: Wisdom and curiosity require greater attention in the lifelong learning literature pertaining to older adulthood. Lifelong learning can assist older adults in amalgamating wisdom and pursuing their curiosities, but how wisdom is amalgamated and how curiosity is pursued in older adulthood needs more exploration. (2) Methods: This qualitative study investigates subthemes of wisdom amalgamation and curiosity pursuits elucidated from interviews of older adults who participant in a university-based life [...]

1513 14209

Open Access Original Research

Simplifying Caregiver Resources in Eldercare: Identifying the Support Needs of Caregiving Employees

Received: 26 October 2018;  Published: 13 December 2018;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1804024


Background: The majority of long-term care provided to older adults and persons with disabilities is provided by unpaid family caregivers and friends. Employers have a stake in long-term care services as well since 60% of caregivers are employed outside the home, 49% have gone in late, left early, or taken time off during the day to deal with caregiving issues, and 15% have taken a prolonged leave of absence. Additionally, 87% of employed caregivers make telephone calls for caregiving from work. Presentism, the [...]

1256 8890

Open Access Original Research

25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels are Associated with Cognitive Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome: A Preliminary Examination

Received: 01 August 2018;  Published: 05 December 2018;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1804023


Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome are linked to pathological changes in the brain and increased likelihood of cognitive impairment. Vitamin D insufficiency is commonly found in this population and is associated with cognitive dysfunction in other patient groups. The present study aims to demonstrate the presence of cognitive deficit in individuals with T2DM and metabolic syndrome, and determine if level of vitamin D is associated with cognitive deficit in this population. Methods: Twenty ind [...]

1113 9464