Conference Report: Leveraging the Global Malnutrition Composite Score for Quality Improvement, Health Equity, and Better Patient Outcomes
(ISSN 2638-1311)
OBM Geriatrics is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. The journal takes the premise that innovative approaches – including gene therapy, cell therapy, and epigenetic modulation – will result in clinical interventions that alter the fundamental pathology and the clinical course of age-related human diseases. We will give strong preference to papers that emphasize an alteration (or a potential alteration) in the fundamental disease course of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular aging diseases, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, skin aging, immune senescence, and other age-related diseases.
Geriatric medicine is now entering a unique point in history, where the focus will no longer be on palliative, ameliorative, or social aspects of care for age-related disease, but will be capable of stopping, preventing, and reversing major disease constellations that have heretofore been entirely resistant to interventions based on “small molecular” pharmacological approaches. With the changing emphasis from genetic to epigenetic understandings of pathology (including telomere biology), with the use of gene delivery systems (including viral delivery systems), and with the use of cell-based therapies (including stem cell therapies), a fatalistic view of age-related disease is no longer a reasonable clinical default nor an appropriate clinical research paradigm.
Precedence will be given to papers describing fundamental interventions, including interventions that affect cell senescence, patterns of gene expression, telomere biology, stem cell biology, and other innovative, 21st century interventions, especially if the focus is on clinical applications, ongoing clinical trials, or animal trials preparatory to phase 1 human clinical trials.
Papers must be clear and concise, but detailed data is strongly encouraged. The journal publishes a variety of article types (Original Research, Review, Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, etc.). There is no restriction on the length of the papers and we encourage scientists to publish their results in as much detail as possible.
Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 6.3 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 11.4 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 7 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)
Special Issue
Malnutrition, Frailty and Quality of Life in Older Adults
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2025 (Open) Submit Now
Guest Editors
Mary Beth Arensberg, PhD, RDN, FAND; Director Health Policy and Programs
Abbott Nutrition Division of Abbott
Research Interests: Malnutrition; Frailty; Sarcopenia; Older adults; Malnutrition/nutrition screening and assessment; Oncology; Telenutrition; Quality improvement programs; Health outcomes
Carlo Pedrolli, MD
Dietetic and Clinical Nutrition Unit, Santa Chiara Hospital, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Largo Medaglie d’Oro 9, Trento 38122, Italy
Research Interests: Nutrition; Geriatric nutrition; Internal medicine; Cardiology; Clinical nutrition; Malnutrition; Nutrition assessment; Human nutrition; Nutritional medicine; Body composition analysis; Dietetics
Patricia A. Lynch, PhD, RDN/LDN, Associate Professor/Program Coordinator—Dietetics
Virginia State University, Petersburg, Virginia, USA
Research Interests: Geriatric nutrition; Weight management; Health disparities; Food safety
About This Topic
Many older adults are healthier than ever before, but many are not because of chronic diseases, age-related conditions, and health disparities. Such diseases and conditions can result in frailty, reduced intrinsic capacity, and difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living, ultimately impacting older adults’ quality of life. This Special Issue, Malnutrition, Frailty, and Quality of Life in Older Adults, explores the impact of nutrition on these outcomes. The contributions may point to opportunities for improving nutrition/frailty screening, assessment, and intervention in health institutions and the community. In addition, the contributions may help identify the importance of social determinants of health like nutrition in supporting older adults to successfully age in place and in furthering clinical practices and health policies that promote health equity.
A variety of papers are acceptable, including research articles, qualitative summaries, reviews, communications, case reports, and editorial/perspective papers.
Nutrition; Malnutrition; Frailty; Quality of life; Health disparities; Screening/assessment; Older adults
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted through the LIDSEN Submission System. Detailed information on manuscript preparation and submission is available in the Instructions for Authors. All submitted articles will be thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process and will be processed following the Editorial Process and Quality Control policy. Upon acceptance, the article will be immediately published in a regular issue of the journal and will be listed together on the special issue website, with a label that the article belongs to the Special Issue. LIDSEN distributes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License in an open-access model. The authors own the copyright to the article, and the article can be free to access, distribute, and reuse provided that the original work is correctly cited.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Research articles and review articles are highly invited. Authors are encouraged to send the tentative title and abstract of the planned paper to the Editorial Office ( for record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office.
Welcome your submission!
Conference Report: Leveraging the Global Malnutrition Composite Score for Quality Improvement, Health Equity, and Better Patient OutcomesAbstract Effective January 2024, the United States Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for the first time has included a nutrition-focused quality measure in the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program: the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS). The GMCS is an electr [...] |
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