Journal of Energy and Power Technology (JEPT) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. This periodical is dedicated to providing a unique, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary platform for researchers, scientists and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies and industry. The journal is also of interest to technology developers, planners, policy makers and technical, economic and policy advisers to present their research results and findings.

Journal of Energy and Power Technology focuses on all aspects of energy and power. It publishes not only original research and review articles, but also various other types of articles from experts in these fields, such as Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, and more, to promote intuitive understanding of the state-of-the-art and technology trends.

Main research areas include (but are not limited to):
Renewable energies (e.g. geothermal, solar, wind, hydro, tidal, wave, biomass) and grid connection impact
Energy harvesting devices
Energy storage
Hybrid/combined/integrated energy systems for multi-generation
Hydrogen energy 
Fuel cells
Nuclear energy
Energy economics and finance
Energy policy
Energy and environment
Energy conversion, conservation and management
Smart energy system

Power generation - Conventional and renewable
Power system management
Power transmission and distribution
Smart grid technologies
Micro- and nano-energy systems and technologies
Power electronic
Biofuels and alternatives
High voltage and pulse power
Organic and inorganic photovoltaics
Batteries and supercapacitors

Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2023): Submission to First Decision: 5.1 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 11.6 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 7 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)

Current Issue: 2024  Archive: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

The following are the types of manuscripts currently accepted for submission to this journal:


Addendum articles refer to additional content or supplemental information that is typically appended to previously published documents, reports, or similar materials. They are used to provide additional details or supplement omitted information. Addendum articles are usually associated with the original documents, serving to supplement or enhance the content of the original documents, allowing readers or participants to have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding.

Book Review

Book review articles involve critical analysis, description, summary, and evaluation of a book. These articles typically provide analysis and commentary on the content, structure, themes, and author's perspectives in the book. They aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding and assessment of the book, helping them determine whether it is worth reading and allowing them to form their own opinions on the author's viewpoints and arguments.

Comment & Reply

Comment articles involve providing commentary or criticism on previously published works in the journal. If a comment is deemed appropriate, the authors of the original article may be invited to submit a reply in response to the comment. This exchange allows for a constructive dialogue and further discussion on the topic presented in the original article.


Commentary articles are critical evaluations or discussions of recently published or upcoming research studies. They may provide a commentary on the findings, methodology, or significance of the research. Alternatively, they can be opinion pieces that seek to advance the field in a particular direction based on relevant literature.


Communications are concise articles that highlight groundbreaking preliminary results or significant findings within a larger study conducted over multiple years. They may also focus on innovative methods, experiments, or the development of new technology or materials. Communications serve to quickly disseminate important research advancements and encourage further discussion and collaboration in the scientific community.

Concept Paper

Concept papers are brief articles that emphasize the general concepts of development in a specific field and their implications for the future. They outline the important components before the commencement of a research or project.

Conference Report

Conference reports focus on the progress presented at a conference, providing readers with a comprehensive overview of the event and relevant background information, particularly highlighting any new research findings.

Editorial & Opinion

Editorial and Opinion articles allow authors to express their perspectives on specific issues, including science policy, research agendas, or scientific disputes. Editorial articles are exclusively accepted from authors who have received invitations from the journal's editorial team. We do not accept self-submissions for Editorial articles.


Highlight articles are articles that describe the key findings of research in a specific field. They are typically shorter in length and provide a concise overview of the latest research articles or experiments, placing these new findings in the context of the current literature. These articles aim to provide readers with a quick overview of the latest research developments and emphasize important discoveries and breakthroughs in the field.


Hypothesis articles are based on recent discoveries in a specific field and present a novel theory, explanation, or model for the developmental process. They state previously proposed hypotheses or theories and provide a viewpoint-driven analysis.


An interview is a structured conversation in which one participant asks questions and the other provides answers. Interviews may be conducted at the invitation of the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial office. Please note that we currently do not accept self-submissions for the Interview article type.

Letter to Editor

Letters to the editor are typically brief communications that involve interaction between authors and readers. They have a simple structure and wording but must adhere to a direct approach and provide constructive criticism expressed clearly.

Original Research & Research Article

These two types, Original Research and Research Article, both report research results and assess their contribution to the knowledge of a specific research area. Original Research emphasizes the novelty and originality of the research, while Research Article includes more references to previous studies or precedents and provides a comprehensive citation. We consider all submissions as original research manuscripts as long as they report scientific experiments and provide a substantial amount of novel information. Both Original Research and Research Article typically include sections such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Authors should indicate in the manuscript how their study contributes to the current literature.


Perspectives articles are intended to present new ideas and provide commentary on published articles. They focus on introducing novel concepts or offering new interpretations of existing data and/or models to the readership. Perspective articles aim to stimulate critical thinking and encourage the exploration of fresh ideas based on existing data and/or models.

Project Report

Project reports are concise and prompt announcements that aim to describe the results and impact of projects. They cover research strategies or methods, project activities, techniques used, and specific details of the projects. The reports also include conclusions drawn from the projects and recommendations for future directions in the field. Their purpose is to convey key information about the projects to readers in a clear and concise manner.


It summarizes the current state of understanding in a given research area by citing relevant recent studies. It analyzes or discusses the researches that previously published, rather than reporting new experimental results.

Short Communication

It is a concise article focusing on a high-quality, hypothesis-driven, self-contained piece of original research and/or the proposal of a new theory or concept on the basis of current research. It is not intended to publish preliminary results, but should be of significance and broad interest to the scholars in the given research field. A short communication usually contains no more than 3000 words with a few tables and/or figures, and references. Authors should indicate in the manuscript how this hypothesis or proposal contributes to the current literature.

Short Report

Short report articles provide concise and significant information on a specific topic, aiming to inform the reader. They typically include a summary of the report, a brief background, a clearly defined purpose, and a conclusion.

Short Review

Short reviews provide a concise description of research or observational findings, typically including some additional details such as methodological approaches, results description, and/or discussion/conclusion to ensure that readers have sufficient information to comprehend the article's description.

Technical Note

Technical note articles are concise articles that provide a brief description of a specific development, technique, or procedure. They may also describe a modification of an existing technique, procedure, or device that is applicable in a particular field. The purpose of a technical note is to present relevant information and highlight advancements or improvements in a specific area of study or practice.
