14 Mar / 2024

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Despina Vamvuka from the Technical University of Crete, Nansha, Greece, to join the Editorial Board of the Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Prof. Dr. Despina Vamvuka is a Chemical Engineer and Professor in the Dept. of Mineral Resources Engineering at the Technical University of Crete, where she teaches and carries out research in the field of “Solid Fuels Beneficiation and Technology”. Prof. Vamvuka’s scientific interests cover a wide spectrum of activities related to the beneficiation of solid fuels (coal, biomass, organic residues) and the new clean technologies for energy production. She has extensive experience in pyrolysis, combustion, gasification, and reduction of pollutant emissions from solid fuels, as well as coal/biomass characterization and physical and chemical beneficiation. She is the writer of about 220 scientific publications, several students’ publications, two books and three book chapters relevant to the above mentioned subjects. She is among the top 2% of researchers worldwide according to Stanford-scopus classification. Until today, she has participated as a partner or coordinator in 28 National/European research and educational programs. She has been member of organizing and scientific committees for international conferences, she is member of scientific committees for energy, environment, biofuels and hydrogen, Associate Editor or member of the Editorial Board of 20 scientific journals, member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Combustion Institute, member of the Regional Council of Research and Innovation, member of the Deanery Board of the Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, Director of postgraduate studies of the Department of Mineral Resources Engineering etc. She is referee for General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) in Greece, referee of the Italian Ministry of Education, referee of 51 international scientific journals, as well as of National Research Programs.

22 Jan / 2024

ORCID Membership

It is our pleasure to announce that LIDSEN has joined the ORCID community. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a global, not-for-profit organization, provides a free, unique, and persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD), which can automatically link researchers to their own contributions, so as to disambiguate researchers from one another. Authors who publish with Journal of Energy and Power Technology are greatly encouraged to register for a unique iD to ensure proper attribution.

22 Jan / 2024

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Carmine Apollaro from University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Carmine Apollaro is Associate Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology (SSD GEO/08) at the Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences of the University of Calabria. He obtained the Degree in Geological Sciences, with honors (2001) and the PhD in "Earth Sciences" at the University of Calabria (2006). His research interests include: Water–rock interaction; Characterization of thermal systems; Geochemical characterisation of different environmental matrices: rocks, soils, water and plants; Geochemical characterisation of mining sites and their environmental impact; Geochemical mapping and definition of geochemical background; Estimation of atmospheric CO2 consumption during weathering processes; Application of membrane methods for water treatment; Definition of geothermal potential; Definition of recharge areas and residence times of water in shallow and deep aquifers; Seawater intrusion; Study of the correlation between seismic activity and water chemistry. He is the author of over 90 publications in peer reviewed journals. He is the scientific manager of various research projects and collaborates with various universities and national and international research institutions. He is editor of 5 international journals and reviewer for over thirty. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Carmine Apollaro for his participation and support.

19 Jan / 2024

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Tek Tjing Lie from Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Professor Tek Tjing Lie is the Interim Head of School at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences. He received his BS degree from the Oklahoma State University, MS and PhD degrees from Michigan State University. He has previously held academic positions in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Nanyang Technological University. His research interests are in the fields of Power System Operation and Control, Deregulated Electrical Power Markets, AI Application to Power Systems, Renewable Energy and Smart Grids. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Tek Tjing Lie for his participation and support.

08 Jan / 2024

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Lingai Luo from CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Lingai LUO received her Bachelor’s (1982) and Master’s (1984) degrees in thermal energy engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. She received her Ph.D. degree (1991) in mechanic and thermal engineering from National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (INPL), Nancy, France. She worked as assistant professor (1991-1993) at INPL, as associate professor (1993-1996) at University of Nancy I, and at INPL (1996-2003). From 2003 until 2012 she was a professor at University of Savoie, France. She is now senior research director of French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the laboratory of thermo-kinetics, Nantes (LTN), France.
Dr. Luo’s research covers a wide range of topics in thermal, process and energy engineering: combustion and fluidized bed; energy balance analysis; solar refrigeration machines; separation processes; energy for buildings, etc. More recently, her research activities focus on a fundamental strategy based on thermodynamic analysis and centered on the transfer intensification and energy systems optimization. More precisely, it concerns firstly the design, fabrication, characterization, simulation and optimization of innovative fluidic, thermal and reactive components, and secondly the development of new thermo-chemical systems and processes for low-grade thermal energy transportation and valorization, and inter-seasonal solar energy storage for their applications in buildings.
Dr. Luo is mainly engaged in the intensification of heat and mass transfer and shape optimization in different energy components, systems and processes. She proposed a multi-scale approach for process intensification. To improve the global performance (productivity) of a process, intensification should necessarily be implemented at three scales: local scale, component scale and system scale.
Dr. Luo is the author of 2 books and about 100 journal articles. From 2007 until 2012, she was the head of laboratory of design optimization and environmental engineering (LOCIE) of CNRS and University of Savoie. She was the cofounder and coordinator of Sino-French Collaboratory for Environmental and Process Engineering (1998 - 2006) and is the head of its successor Sino-French Laboratory for Sustainable Energy (2008-2014) of French CNRS and Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also an invited professor at 5 Chinese universities/institutions, and Leuphana University at Lüneburg, Germany. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Lingai Luo for her participation and support.

11 Dec / 2023

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Fabian Ifeanyichukwu Ezema from University of Nigeria, Naukka, Nigeria, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Prof. Fabian Ifeanyichukwu Ezema currently works as Professor and Former Director, International Office of the University of Nigeria, Coordinator, Nano Research Group, UNN of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria, former Dean, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Coal City University, Enugu. His research field covers Materials Science Physics Optics Science & Technology-Other Topics Electrochemistry etc. Prof. Fabian Ifeanyichukwu Ezema has published 234 publications that have been cited over 6599 times with an H-index of 43. We appreciate Prof. Fabian Ifeanyichukwu Ezema for his participation and support.

07 Dec / 2023

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Erdem Cuce from Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize, Turkey, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Prof. Dr. Erdem Cuce has received his Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham in 2014 in sustainable energy and building technologies. Following his Ph.D. degree, he has conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Nottingham on innovative greenhouse systems. He has worked on numerous scientific projects in the scope funded by notably EU, TSB, DECC, EPSRC, BRITISH COUNCIL, TUBITAK, and international-based commercial companies. His main interest areas of research are low/zero carbon technologies for buildings, solar thermal and hybrid PV/T systems, energy-efficient greenhouse systems, green roofs and facades, thermal superinsulation materials, nano-coating solutions, innovative windows, smart and thin-film PV glazing, thermal comfort, thermal energy storage, thermoelectric coolers, cost-effective cooling systems, solar chimney power plants, nano-enhanced biofuels, enhanced heat transfer, advanced thermodynamics, and applied mathematics. He has strong numerical, computational, experimental, and simulation skills as well as comprehensive CFD techniques based on UDFs for thorough performance assessment of physical systems. Currently, he is the author or co-author of over 150 scientific papers notably in high-impact SCI journals and prestigious international conference proceedings. He has achieved a Utility Model Award from Turkish Patent Institute with the work entitled “Fresnel lens driven instant and efficient domestic hot water producer”. He has edited a significant number of books/book chapters notably on the field of energy and sustainability. Prof. Dr. Erdem Cuce is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University. He is also working as an expert in energy optimization, energy conservation, and energy management strategies in a consultant role. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Erdem Cuce for his participation and support.

23 Nov / 2023

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Ioannis E. Sarris from University of West Attica, Athens, Greece, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Ioannis E. Sarris is a Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at University of West Attica, Athens, Greece. He holds a diploma in mechanical engineering (1995) from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Patras (Greece) and a PhD in Engineering (2001) from the Dept. of Mechanical (and Industrial) Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly (Greece).
He was a visiting lecturer at the Departments of Mechanical and Civil Engineering at University of Thessaly (UTh) tutoring numerous undergraduate courses and the postgraduate lesson of “Computational Fluid Mechanics”. He is a research fellow of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of UTh and he was a visiting professor of the Engineering Department of Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia. He received a Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship at Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He has selected for the postdoctoral fellowship of the Greek Fellowships Foundation; he received the postdoctoral fellowship PYTHAGORAS from the Greek Minister of Education and Religion and the fellowship of the Research Committee of UTh during his doctoral studies. He was a researcher working for the “National Program of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion” (Euratom), visiting researcher at ULB and National Representative at COST action MP0806 of European Union. He participated in various research projects and his research interests include the scientific areas of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena, magnetohydrodynamics of liquid metals and plasmas, fuel cells, natural convection, turbulent flow simulation using DNS and LES techniques and the study of industrial and environmental flows. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Ioannis E. Sarris for his participation and support.

21 Nov / 2023

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Davide Papurello from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Dr Davide Papurello received his M.S. in Energy and Nuclear Engineering in 2009 and his PhD in Energetics in 2014. In 2011 he attended a specialization school for one year at Michelin spa with the collaboration of Politecnico di Torino on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety analysis. He was a post-doc researcher following several national and international projects, collaborating also with other Institutions and Industrial companies. He is presently a researcher at the Energy Center of Turin. He is author or co-author of more than 60 articles in international journals with peer-review (2012- present) and has over 2000 citations with an H-index of 29 according to SCOPUS database. His research is in the fields of high-temperature fuel cells, biogas production and purification methods, trace compounds monitoring, carbon capture technologies, energy storage, new energy carriers and safety in tunnels. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Davide Papurello for his participation and support.

16 Nov / 2023

Journal of Energy and Power Technology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Cinzia Buratti from Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Energy and Power Technology. Cinzia Buratti obtained her PhD in Thermophysical Properties of Materials in 1995; she was a researcher in Applied Physics at the University of Perugia from 1997 to 2004; she has been an Associate Professor in Applied Physics since 2005; she is qualified as a Full Professor. She has been a member of the Academic Council and the Equal Opportunities Committee of the University of Perugia, Director of the CRB (Biomass Research Center), established by the Ministry of the Environment in 2003, and Coordinator of the PhD program in Energy and Sustainable Development at the University of Perugia.

In the first years of activity her scientific research was focused on the study of the thermo-physical properties of solutions as working fluids in absorption machines; a laboratory was set up to measure vapour pressure, specific heat, density and kinematic viscosity of new refrigerant-absorbing couples. The measured data were used to calculate the performance of different absorption machines. Then, the scientific activity concerned the study of conservation of historical and artistic works of art, with particular reference to the influence of thermo-hygrometric conditions and thermal expansions on the aging of artistic windows.

Other fields of research were then developed and are already in course:

Insulation materials for energy saving in buildings:  study of innovative transparent materials, especially aerogels, by measuring transmission and light reflection coefficient, colour rendering and thermal insulation properties, in collaboration with the Mechanical Engineering Department - Union College - Shenectady, NY; the effects of aging are also assessed, by means of accelerated processes. The thermal and acoustic properties of opaque materials for thermal insulation of vertical walls and horizontal structures are also studied; many of them are made of recycled materials and are characterized in terms of environmental impact through life cycle analysis (LCA), when compared with conventional solutions. Experimental data are used in dynamic simulations of energy and lighting performance of buildings. When wide experimental databases are available, thermo-hygrometric and energy performance of buildings are also addressed by means of Artificial Neural Networks.

Indoor thermo-hygrometric, acoustic, and visual comfort and air quality: evaluation of comfort conditions in moderate environments through both instrumental surveys and questionnaires, in order to compare the results of the Fanger model with the approach of the new adaptive ones. The last activities are focused on the development of a combined index able to describe thermal, acoustic and visual comfort. Thermo-hygrometric conditions in museums and in presence of works of art are also studied.

Biomass and bioenergy: chemical-physical and energy characterization of biomass and experimentation on different conversion technologies. Production processes of second-generation bioethanol from lignocellusic biomass are studied, with the objective of experimentally assessing the productivity of bioethanol from different substrates (especially residual biomass such as vine and olive tree, fruit trees, technical cut of woods) and with different physical and chemical pre-treatments. Anaerobic digestion process is studied both in pilot systems for the measurement of biomethanation potential and in a pilot anaerobic digester, constructed for the characterization of wet substrates in terms of amount and composition of the produced biogas.

Acoustics: different aspects of acoustics are investigated: architectural acoustics (churches, theatres, auditoriums); building acoustics (noise reduction in indoor environments, measurement and estimation of the noise insulation and absorption characteristics of building elements and components, with particular reference to innovative materials); environmental acoustics (development of methodologies for noise mapping and noise pollution abatement).

She has published more than 200 scientific papers in the above-mentioned fields. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Cinzia Buratti for her participation and support.