Epilepsy in Cerebral Palsy: A Brief Narrative Review
(ISSN 2573-4407)
OBM Neurobiology is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. By design, the scope of OBM Neurobiology is broad, so as to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the field of Neurobiology that interfaces biology with the fundamental and clinical neurosciences. As such, OBM Neurobiology embraces rigorous multidisciplinary investigations into the form and function of neurons and glia that make up the nervous system, either individually or in ensemble, in health or disease. OBM Neurobiology welcomes original contributions that employ a combination of molecular, cellular, systems and behavioral approaches to report novel neuroanatomical, neuropharmacological, neurophysiological and neurobehavioral findings related to the following aspects of the nervous system: Signal Transduction and Neurotransmission; Neural Circuits and Systems Neurobiology; Nervous System Development and Aging; Neurobiology of Nervous System Diseases (e.g., Developmental Brain Disorders; Neurodegenerative Disorders).
OBM Neurobiology publishes a variety of article types (Original Research, Review, Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, etc.). Although the OBM Neurobiology Editorial Board encourages authors to be succinct, there is no restriction on the length of the papers. Authors should present their results in as much detail as possible, as reviewers are encouraged to emphasize scientific rigor and reproducibility.
Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 7.6 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 13.6 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 6 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)
Special Issue
Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2022 (Open) Submit Now
Guest Editor
Satya Gedela, MD, MRCP
Pediatric Epileptologist
Division Chief of Pediatric Neurology
Chief of Brain Health Center
Director for CPG Neurology
Director of CNP Fellowship program
Children’s Healthcare Of Atlanta
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology,
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Research interests: Pediatric epilepsy; epilepsy surgery; vagus nerve stimulator treatment
About This Topic
Cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as abnormal tone and posture resulting from a non-progressive injury to an early life brain during fetal or infancy. The most common causes include hypoxic injury, congenital brain malformations and infections. Epilepsy is defined as having high risk to have recurrent seizures. It is very well known that patients with cerebral palsy are at much higher risk to have epilepsy than general population (15-55% vs less than 1%). Certain type of cerebral palsy like spastic tetraplegia puts the patients at more risk to develop epilepsy than other types. The chances for the epilepsy to become drug resistant (DRE) is very high in this unique group of patients. These children are also at risk to have other comorbidities like attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and other behavioral issues. Managing these complex patients is challenging, medically and socially. The purpose of this special issue is to prepare a comprehensive review of the literature and come up with standard of care guidelines to the clinicians across the world – pathogenesis of epilepsy in children with CP, early recognition, timely treatment with appropriate therapies including epilepsy surgery, addressing the comorbidities and long term outcomes. We can also look at the impact of this condition on the patient, family and community.
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted through the LIDSEN Submission System. Detailed information on manuscript preparation and submission is available in the Instructions for Authors. All submitted articles will be thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process and will be processed following the Editorial Process and Quality Control policy. Upon acceptance, the article will be immediately published in a regular issue of the journal and will be listed together on the special issue website, with a label that the article belongs to the Special Issue. LIDSEN distributes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License in an open-access model. The authors own the copyright to the article, and the article can be free to access, distribute, and reuse provided that the original work is correctly cited.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Research articles and review articles are highly invited. Authors are encouraged to send the tentative title and abstract of the planned paper to the Editorial Office (neurobiology@lidsen.com) for record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office.
Welcome your submission!
Epilepsy in Cerebral Palsy: A Brief Narrative ReviewAbstract Cerebral palsy is defined as “A group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. The motor disorders of cerebral palsy are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception [...] |
Cerebral Palsy: An Overview of Etiology, Types and ComorbiditiesAbstract Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most frequent cause of childhood disability. CP occurs in 1 out of every 345 children in the United States. CP is primarily a motor disease that is the result of an insult to the brain that occurs during the prenatal or early postnatal period when the brain is still developing. CP is not a single disease but a ph [...] |
2023 | ![]() |
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP |
1.0 | 0.232 | 0.256 |