Effects of Chemical Stabilisation of Eggshells-Lime and Fly-Ash-Cement on the Structural Strength of Subgrade Soil in Rural Roads
(ISSN 2689-5846)
Recent Progress in Materials (ISSN 2689-5846) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. This periodical is devoted to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of Materials. Its aim is to provide timely, authoritative introductions to current thinking, developments and research in carefully selected topics. Also, it aims to enhance the international exchange of scientific activities in materials science and technology.
Recent Progress in Materials publishes original high quality experimental and theoretical papers and reviews on basic and applied research in the field of materials science and engineering, with focus on synthesis, processing, constitution, and properties of all classes of materials. Particular emphasis is placed on microstructural design, phase relations, computational thermodynamics, and kinetics at the nano to macro scale. Contributions may also focus on progress in advanced characterization techniques.
Main research areas include (but are not limited to):
Characterization & evaluation of materials
Metallic materials
Inorganic nonmetallic materials
Composite materials
Polymer materials
Sustainable materials and technologies
Special types of materials
Macro-, micro- and nano structure of materials
Environmental interactions, process modeling
Novel applications of materials
Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 7.1 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 14.9 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 11 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)
Special Issue
Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures
Submission Deadline: December 15, 2022 (Open) Submit Now
Guest Editor
Mehdi Shokouhian, PhD, Assistant Professor
Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA
Research Interests: high performance concrete; high strength steel structures; structural stability; sustainable infrastructures; numerical methods
About This Topic
Sustainable design is a method to design the built environment by balancing social, environmental, and economic goals. Today, sustainability is recognized as an essential requirement for any human activity. The requirement to build more sustainable and affordable maintenance infrastructures has become very important due to the expected increase in building and infrastructure projects around the world and its impact on environment. To achieve the goals of sustainability in construction industry, materials and structures play a vital role and the need for developing innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions are therefore very significant. This Special Issue focuses on the performance of sustainable materials and their applications in buildings and infrastructure systems. Particular attention will be paid to the advanced and innovative design solutions, analytical models, material investigations in terms of short and long-term behavior, with their influence at structural level for new and existing constructions. recent years, the interest in new materials for applications in dentistry has increased significantly. However, the progress made so far in this area is often not satisfactory for both patients and clinicians. The properties of these materials are not always (or rather not in all respects) as good as their biological counterparts. The fact that the world's population lives longer is also important, increasing expectations as to the durability of biomaterials and the reliability of structures used in the oral cavity. The above is a significant incentive to look for new solutions in terms of the structure, properties and technology of dental biomaterials. One example is the work on active materials that have a significant role to play in relation to regenerative processes. The materials that are currently being intensively worked on include: resin composite, polymers, glassio-nomers, ceramics, endodontics materials, graft materials, bioactive glasses, graphen, titanium, zirconium and silicate cement. New possibilities of dental treatment are also brought about by additive techniques, nanomaterial technologies; and also biomimetic coatings.
• Innovative high-performance materials and techniques for new and existing structures
• Structural applications of high- and ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete
• Durability of construction and building materials
• Recycled materials
• Analytical models of innovative materials at material and member levels
• Code provisions and adaptation of current available models to new materials
• Sustainable materials for roads, railways, and other transportation systems
• Performance assessment of innovative structural systems
• Life cycle analyses of sustainable technologies
• Maintenance and repair/strengthening techniques
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted through the LIDSEN Submission System. Detailed information on manuscript preparation and submission is available in the Instructions for Authors. All submitted articles will be thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process and will be processed following the Editorial Process and Quality Control policy. Upon acceptance, the article will be immediately published in a regular issue of the journal and will be listed together on the special issue website, with a label that the article belongs to the Special Issue. LIDSEN distributes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License in an open-access model. The authors own the copyright to the article, and the article can be free to access, distribute, and reuse provided that the original work is correctly cited.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Research articles and review articles are highly invited. Authors are encouraged to send the tentative title and abstract of the planned paper to the Editorial Office (rpm@lidsen.com) for record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office.
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Effects of Chemical Stabilisation of Eggshells-Lime and Fly-Ash-Cement on the Structural Strength of Subgrade Soil in Rural RoadsAbstract This study examines the chemical compositions of eggshell powder (ESP) and lime as the soil stabilisers and compared with the compositions of cement and fly-ash to understand the optimal distribution of chemical stabilisers maximising the bearing capacity and structural integrity of subgrade soil. The different proportions of eggshell powder [...] |