Table of Content

Open Access Review

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Skin Aging

Received: 02 July 2022;  Published: 17 April 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2302233


Skin aging is a complex process that involves several extrinsic and intrinsic factors and skin health is an indicator of the well-being of an individual. In recent years, there have been numerous developments using computerized systems to aid in finding solutions and treatments to skin aging processes. Tools like artificial intelligence (AI) can aid in finding solutions and treatments for skin aging. AI can also help in monitoring or identifying early signs of skin aging. Within the field of skin aging, several inn [...]

598 5535

Open Access Editorial

Driving Safety in Healthy Aging and Age-Related Diseases

Received: 03 April 2023;  Published: 04 April 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2302232


EditorialDriving Safety in Healthy Aging and Age-Related DiseasesMichael Falkenstein *, Ute Brüne-CohrsALA Institute, 44805 Bochum, Germany; E-Mails:; * Correspondence: Michael Falkenstein; E-Mail: falkenstein@ala-institut.deSpecial Issue: Driving Safety in Healthy Aging and Age-Related DiseasesOBM Geriatrics 2023, volume 7, issue 2 doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.2302232Received: April 03, 2023Accepted: April 03, 2023Published: April 04, 2023

388 3215

Open Access Original Research

Differences in Blame-Like and Forgiveness-Like Judgments between Young People, Healthy Older People, and Older People with Dementia

Received: 19 October 2022;  Published: 03 April 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2302231


The objective of the present experimental study was to compare how young people, healthy older people, and older people with dementia cognitively integrated three factors (Intention, Consequence, and Apology) when making blame-like judgments (prosecution and revenge) and forgiveness-like judgments (resentment and reconciliation). Thirty-four young people (Mage = 22.12, SD = 3.44), 22 healthy older people (Mage = 71.82, SD = 8.69), and 18 older people with dementia (Mage = 75, SD = 10.06) participated in the study. [...]

760 4462

Open Access Original Research

Integration between Geriatric Oncology and Palliative Care: A Single Center Experience for Hospitalized Older Patients with Cancer

Received: 26 October 2022;  Published: 27 March 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301230


Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is utilized to plan social and health care of the elderly and to complete the diagnostic-therapeutic choice of oncologist also considering early integration with palliative care. Cancer patients (pts) hospitalized aged ≥70 years were screened by the G8 questionnaire to define if necessary CGA. CGA identified: fit, unfit and frail pts. We screened 95 pts by G8 and 93 (98%) were at risk. Pts at risk, evaluated by CGA resulted: 3 fit, 45 unfit and 45 frail. 3 fit pts received s [...]

543 3932

Open Access Interview

An Interview with Dr. Terry Fulmer

Received: 15 March 2023;  Published: 23 March 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301229


InterviewAn Interview with Dr. Terry FulmerOBM Geriatrics Editorial OfficeLIDSEN Publishing Inc., 2000 Auburn Drive, One Chagrin Highlands, Suite 200, Beachwood, OH, USA; E-Mail: geriatrics@lidsen.comOBM Geriatrics 2023, volume 7, issue 1 doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301229Received: March 15, 2023Accepted: March 15, 2023Published: March 22, 2023

308 3120

Open Access Short Communication

Evolution of Psychosomatic Diagnosis: From Masked Depression to Somatic Symptoms and Related Disorders

Received: 02 December 2022;  Published: 22 March 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301228


This paper discusses the history and the concept of somatization from masked depression to somatic symptoms and related disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Evaluating the evolution of these terms and concepts along the time course is very interesting. DSM 5 revision was intended to increase the relevance of these concepts in the primary care setting. “Masked depression” is a form of depression in which somatic symptoms or behavioral disturbances dominate the clinical pictur [...]

759 5208

Open Access Perspective

The Opportunity for Quality Malnutrition Care to Improve Rural Health Outcomes and Health Equity for Older Americans

Received: 22 November 2022;  Published: 10 March 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301227


Older adults have a heightened risk of malnutrition that occurs with age. Many factors can increase their risk for malnutrition, including factors associated with disease, function, social and mental health, and hunger and food insecurity. Risk for malnutrition is also linked to disparities and may disproportionately impact people living in rural areas. This Perspective paper outlines the issue of malnutrition and its impact on health outcomes and health disparities as well as summarizes existing evidence on malnut [...]

579 54127

Open Access Review

Do Antioxidants Extend Longevity in Invertebrate and Vertebrate Animals?

Received: 09 November 2022;  Published: 07 March 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301226


In the 1950’s Denham Harman proposed the Free Radical Theory of Aging whereby species lifespan and individual longevities are the consequence of free radical driven damage to biomolecules. This led to decades of research to ascertain the effect of altered antioxidant defense systems on aging and mortality in an array of species using reverse genetics and dietary manipulation. Within invertebrates, the data generally support the Free Radical Theory in that overexpression of antioxidant enzymes or dietary supplementa [...]

521 4440

Open Access Editorial

Ageing: Longevity, Successful and Positive

Received: 24 December 2022;  Published: 07 March 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301225


Ageing: Longevity, Successful and Positive

572 4322

Open Access Review

Review of the Nutritional Status in Older Adult Population

Received: 07 November 2022;  Published: 27 February 2023;  doi: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.2301224


The leading causes of death in older adults involve nutritional risk factors, heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. Prevalence of lifestyle diseases, older adults consider themselves in good, very good or excellent health. Older adults want to remain independent and not burden others; they believe proper nutrition and sufficient exercise will help them maintain their autonomy and independence. To describe the diet, nutrition and general health status of the older adult population in Spain and their adherence [...]

553 5072