Table of Content

Open Access Original Research

Volt-Var Control for Utility-Scale Solar PV Plants to Downsize SVCs and Curtailment Effects

Received: 09 March 2023;  Published: 03 August 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2303026


One way to increase solar photovoltaic penetration in the grid is the management of voltage fluctuations. This is because a photovoltaic plant cannot be interconnected to the grid if it causes voltage violations. Voltage violation is where voltage exceeds the acceptable range. Often, grid operators request photovoltaic plant owners to regulate voltage sufficiently with expensive and space-consuming static Var compensators. Unfortunately, this sometimes makes the project less feasible. This paper argues that there a [...]

417 4211

Open Access Original Research

Study and Characterization of a Spherical Solar Collector. Part II: Comparative Analysis with Flat-Plate Devices

Received: 18 May 2023;  Published: 27 July 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2303025


The paper analyses the performance of a spherical solar collector compared to the efficiency of a flat-plate solar collector, which is the type of solar collector that does not use a tracking system in collecting solar radiation for energy conversion. Spherical solar collector benefits from a constant value of the angle of incidence, which optimizes the solar radiation that strikes the absorber of the solar device and maximizes the energy collection. Besides, the spherical geometry has a larger area for equal dimen [...]

421 4196

Open Access Review

Improving the Performance of Solar Thermal Energy Storage Systems

Received: 29 May 2023;  Published: 18 July 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2303024


In recent times, renewable energy resources have been greatly researched because of the increasing concern to minimize global warming and meet energy demands. Energy storage systems have become useful tools for sustainability and meeting energy needs. Solar energy has proven in recent times to be the primary and most prevalent option due to its environmental friendliness, availability, and minimal pollution. Effective utilization of available energy resources has led to developing new alternative energy devices lik [...]

688 5977

Open Access Research Article

Permeability, Compressibility and Pressure Prediction in Supercharged Wireline and FTWD Environments

Received: 12 April 2023;  Published: 10 July 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2303023


In conventional wireline and LWD/MWD formation testing, downhole predictions for rock and fluid properties are based on simplified Darcy flow models, but only for mathematical expediency. These require initially constant pressures that are uniform throughout the reservoir. This limitation precludes common applications in overbalanced drilling, so that supercharge or near-well invasion effects - associated with rapidly decreasing pressures at the sandface where pressures are measured - are completely ignored. Such 1 [...]

529 4086

Open Access Research Article

Study and Characterization of a Spherical Solar Collector. I. Efficiency and Thermal Losses Coefficient

Received: 21 April 2023;  Published: 04 July 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2303022


This paper studies and characterizes a solar collector with spherical geometry to produce hot water for sanitary and domestic applications and other facilities. The new geometry enlarges the solar collector surface and allows full sun tracking during the day without needing a solar tracking system. Although this geometry has been in use for some time, its market penetration is low due to the lack of perfect knowledge of solar collector behavior and the benefits compared with conventional solar collectors. The studi [...]

516 4056

Open Access Retraction

Retraction: Simani S, Farsoni S, Castaldi P. Transfer Learning for Fault Detection with Application to Wind Turbine SCADA Data. Journal of Energy and Power Technology 2023; 5(1): 011

Received: 25 June 2023;  Published: 28 June 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2302021


RetractionRetraction: Simani S, Farsoni S, Castaldi P. Transfer Learning for Fault Detection with Application to Wind Turbine SCADA Data. Journal of Energy and Power Technology 2023; 5(1): 011Journal of Energy and Power Technology Editorial OfficeLIDSEN Publishing Inc., 2000 Auburn Drive, One Chagrin Highlands, Suite 200, Beachwood, OH, USA; E-Mail: Journal of Energy and Power Technology 2023, volume 5, issue 2doi:10.21926/jept.2302021Received: June 25, 2023Accepted: June 25, 2023Published: June 25, [...]

392 3567

Open Access Original Research

Effects of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel on Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine

Received: 07 February 2023;  Published: 20 June 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2302020


With their higher sustainability index, biofuels, environmentally-friendly and renewable nature is a viable alternative energy source in the transportation sector. This study presents the effect of waste cooking oil (WCO) biodiesel on performance, combustion, and emission from a compression ignition engine. The biodiesel was blended with diesel in varying proportions of 5% biodiesel and 95% diesel (designated as B5), 10% biodiesel in diesel (B10), 15% biodiesel in diesel (B15), 20% biodiesel in diesel (B20), 50% bi [...]

589 5890

Open Access Review

A Review of Practical Applications of Fluid Flow and Associated Heat Transfer Modeling in Wellbores

Received: 28 March 2023;  Published: 12 June 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2302019


Investigations on two-phase gas/liquid flow in pipes have been under study for nearly six decades. These studies have significantly assisted in managing fluid flow in the wellbore and surface networks, leading to the separation of phases and transmission of oil and gas into the market. This study summarizes some of the main lessons learned in flow through wellbores. Besides understanding some of the fundamental principles, we focused on the practical items of interest: Conventional production scenarios for oil and [...]

723 5553

Open Access Original Research

Nonlinear Optimal Control for Six-Phase Induction Generator-Based Renewable Energy Systems

Received: 07 December 2022;  Published: 11 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2302018


The article aims at optimizing six-phase induction generator-based renewable energy systems (6-phase IGs or dual star induction generators) through a novel nonlinear optimal control method. Six-phase induction generators appear to be advantageous compared to three-phase synchronous or asynchronous power generators, in terms of fault tolerance and improved power generation rates. The dynamic model of the six-phase induction generator is first written in a nonlinear and multivariable state-space form. It is proven th [...]

593 5133

Open Access Original Research

Fixed-Switching Frequency Finite-State Model Predictive Thrust and Primary Flux Linkage Control for LIM

Received: 14 February 2023;  Published: 09 May 2023;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2302017


The special design of linear induction machines (LIMs) leads to adverse effects caused by the longitudinal and end effects. These effects make the thrust control of the LIMs most attractive because its value decreases sharply with the speed increase. Thus, finite-state model predictive control (FS-MPC) is developed to increase the performance of the LIMs. However, the variable switching frequency is the main drawback of this control. Consequently, the main objectives of this paper are to propose FS-MPC with a const [...]

572 4380