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Open Access Original Research

The Viterbo Hydrothermal System and Its Sustainable Exploitation, Central Italy

Received: 14 May 2019;  Published: 05 September 2019;  doi: 10.21926/jept.1903003


Background: The Regione Lazio-Direzione Regionale dello Sviluppo Economico e delle Attività Produttive (RL–DRSEAP), carrying out its public functions to govern the use of mineral resources (including thermal water), planned the exploitation of the Viterbo hydrothermal system on the basis of a conceptual hydrogeological model (CHM). The CHMs of the Viterbo area and that of the neighboring Tuscany region, characterized by the same geological and hydrogeological setting, are discussed, suggesting the unreliability of [...]

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Open Access Original Research

Sustainability Assessment of Power Generation from an Abandoned Oil and Gas Well in Alberta, Canada

Received: 30 May 2019;  Published: 07 August 2019;  doi: 10.21926/jept.1903002


The main objective of this paper is to study the sustainability of power generation from an abandoned oil and gas well in the province of Alberta, Canada. Economic and environmental indicators were used for the sustainability assessment. A conceptual design for a pilot plant was developed, and the main parameters were determined. An abandoned oil and gas well represents the thermal power source through circulating water into an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) unit to generate electricity. The thermal power is extracted [...]

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Open Access Original Research

A Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis for the Production of Solar Photovoltaic Modules in Sudan

Received: 23 May 2019;  Published: 23 July 2019;  doi: 10.21926/jept.1903001


This paper is intended to evaluate the economic viability of producing solar photovoltaic modules in Sudan. The simple payback period and the net present value were used as economic indicators to study comparatively different annual production capacities. Initial and operating costs were developed and analyzed for the product lifecycle. The number of working shifts in the base case is doubled to achieve a production rate of 20 MW/year and double shift with double quantity of machines is executed to reach a producti [...]

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