Nature Connection, Mindfulness, and Wellbeing: A Network Analysis
669 4484
Nature Connection, Mindfulness, and Wellbeing: A Network AnalysisAbstract
Relationships between nature connection, mindfulness and wellbeing have been observed through nature based therapeutic interventions, where mindfulness and nature appear to reciprocally influence each other in relation to wellbeing and is potentially consistent with attention restoration theory. However, previous studies have relied on examining nature based interventions rather than the role of nature connection in everyday lives. This investigation explored the relationship between nature connection, mindfulness, [...] 669 4484 |
Possibilities of Predicting a Person's Substance Use Behaviour and Mental Health Through Social Media in a COVID-19 Crisis ContextAbstract
The negative psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the forced isolation of a large proportion of people worldwide have demonstrated the need to develop ways and technologies to reduce the effects of sudden threats of this type. The basis of any practical work to minimize the negative psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic associated with substance use is the monitoring and diagnosis of the psychological resources of the individual. The article aims to show the possibilities of predict [...] 456 3051 |
Sleep Quality, Sleep Efficiency, and Perceived Stress after Synchronous Virtual Mindfulness Meditation Sessions for Higher Education StudentsAbstract
This study examined the effects of virtual mindfulness meditation programming on sleep efficiency using wearable tracking devices, as well as effects on sleep quality and perceived stress in higher education students. A one-group, pretest-posttest design with convenience sampling and rolling recruitment over a six-month period resulted in twenty-five participants who completed the study and were included in data analysis. Paired t-tests were used to determine statistical significance for sleep efficiency measured u [...] 589 4256 |
Welcoming the “Metaverse” in Integrative and Complementary Medicine: Introductory OverviewAbstract
The digital transformation of healthcare is accelerating. At the forefront of this revolution is the development of the "metaverse." This multidimensional digital universe, where virtual and physical realities converge, is reshaping the potential of integrative and complementary medicine. In this special edition journal series, we explore how metaverse technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, avatars, digital twins, blockchain smart contracts, and more, are poised to revolutionize holistic healthcar [...] 654 4058 |
Alone within the ALONESS of Covid-19: Developing Contemplative, Artistic Inner Friendship for Turbulent TimesAbstract
Art therapy, imaginal mindfulness, yoga, and meditation were personal and collegial necessities for surviving the emotional fallout of isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Combining these practices offered us credible resources for enhancing our social, cultural, and spiritual wellness when faced with the loneliness of lockdown living. This article applies an autoethnographic lens highlighting the value of these contemplative tools for managing pandemic related distress within myself and my professional peer gro [...] 488 3099 |
The Exploration of the Experience of Expressive Therapies in a Pediatric Medical Setting in the COVID-19 Pandemic through Arts-Based ResearchAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic presented a host of issues for hospitalized patients including increased anxiety, fear, isolation, and depression [1]. Expressive Therapies have been used in the pediatric medical setting for decades to support patients and families with coping, expression, processing, and rehabilitation [2-5]. Additionally, some studies suggest that Expressive Therapies were effective in helping ease the increase in mental health symptoms that occurred during the pandemic. During the pandemic the expressive t [...] 438 2856 |
Using Hypnotic Techniques and Guided Imagery in Treatment of a Highly Hypnosible Woman with Slowly Progressing Chronic Organic Brain Disorder: A Case StudyAbstract
A therapeutic intervention combines guided imagery and hypnotic techniques (including self-hypnosis), direct and indirect suggestions, medical treatments, and highly improving patient condition. A variety of hypnotic intervention techniques were introduced to treat a highly hypnotizable patient suffering from an advanced organic brain disorder due to an autoimmune disease and resistant to traditional medicine, showing no improvement despite being highly motivated and cooperating with conventional measures. Progress [...] 514 3211 |
Coping with Burnout in the Healthcare Fieldby
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The healthcare industry is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world; however, being a part of the healthcare system involves being at an increased risk of experiencing mental health problems, loneliness, stress, and increased susceptibility to experiencing compassion fatigue related to the emotional wear associated with providing patient-centered care. Healthcare workers include, but are not limited, to physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, and psychologists. Often, healthcare workers place [...] 677 4781 |
‘It’s Nice for My Body but I Don’t Like It’ – Experiences of Soothing Rhythm Breathing in Clients with DepressionAbstract
Soothing-rhythm breathing (SRB) is a core component of compassion focused therapy (CFT). While integral to CFT, research has yet to explore personal experiences of SRB. This study aimed to explore the experiences of individuals with depression who had practiced SRB in NHS primary care services. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used to analyse data from individual semi-structured interviews. Three experiential themes were identified: ‘mind-body connection and bodily needs’, ‘a new relationship with [...] 683 5903 |