Assessing the Ability of Reiki Practitioners to Detect Human Energy Fields
950 10168
Assessing the Ability of Reiki Practitioners to Detect Human Energy FieldsAbstract
Reiki is a form of energy healing that has gained popularity in the United States, but there remains skepticism about its scientific validity. This study examines the ability of Reiki practitioners (RP) to detect human energy fields (HEF). Volunteer RP were asked to identify the location of a human hand under blinded conditions for a total of 20 trials. Four potential options existed for subjects (right, left, both, or neither); thus, random chance would predict a success rate of 25%. A success rate of >40% was con [...] 950 10168 |
How Do Long Term Oral Pain Killers Enhance Pain and Promote Chronic Pain?Abstract
Oral pain medicines are routinely used to treat pain and chronic pain. Recent evidence shows that many of these medicines actually increase chronic pain when used over several weeks. Patients should be encouraged to find alternative pain treatments and avoid oral medicines for pain. 582 4178 |
Clinical Practice Guidelines About Screening for Disruptive Behavior Problems at Well-Child Visits: A Rapid Review of the Literature on the Accuracy of Parents’ Behavioral ConcernsAbstract
The current recommendations of the Canadian Paediatric Society about monitoring children’s disruptive behaviors at well-child visits call for screening if behavioral concerns are being raised by parents. But do parents’ concerns about their child’s behavior constitute a reliable means for primary care providers (PCPs) to decide either in favor or against screening? We conducted a rapid systematic review of the literature by identifying documents that cited the landmark study by Glascoe and her colleagues (1991) on [...] 678 5043 |
Patient’s Acting on their Own Care: Medical Hypnosis for Perioperative Management in The Awake Craniotomy. Technical Report and Clinical Cases.Abstract
The patient as the custodian of their own care is a concept that has been evolving for several years and can help the patient to a better and quicker recovery. Medical Hypnosis (MH) assist the practitioner to reduce the patient’s pain and disorders and help the patient to understand, accept, and manage their situation. Recently, this technique has been increasingly used in awake surgery protocols. This paper describes three examples of the successful perioperative management of patients who benefited from an awake [...] 539 5472 |
Induction into Browning’s Strategy: Suggestions for Family TherapyAbstract
The authors attempted to operationalize the clinical work of strategic theorist and expert family therapist, Scott Browning. Strategic therapy takes the position that a client is stuck, not necessarily sick. This focus encourages the clinician to create alternative perspectives such that a client learns to consider a problem from a new lens. Milton Erickson, a progenitor of strategic thinking, used hypnosis and paradox to nudge clients toward a useful alternative perspective [1]. The present article examined three [...] 607 5001 |
Associations between Prenatal Factors and Self-Reported Emotional Availability at 3- and 6-Months PostpartumAbstract
Positive perceptions of pregnancy are associated with better postpartum outcomes, including stronger relationship with baby. Although better self-reported emotional availability (EA-SR) is associated with greater attachment security with infants, research has not yet explored the relationship between prenatal maternal factors and EA-SR. The aim of the study was to explore the associations between prenatal variables (adult attachment, shame, compassion) and EA-SR at 3- and 6-months postpartum. A cross-sectional surv [...] 716 5844 |
Experiences of Patients With Hashimoto Thyroiditis Through the Lens of CompassionAbstract
Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune disease affecting mainly middle-aged women. Hormonal replacement is the most common therapy; however, it tackles only the functionality of the thyroid and not the autoimmunity components. Thus, patients experience persistent somatic and psychological symptoms, thereby affecting their quality of life. The cause of HT remains uncertain. Primary evidence suggests that adverse experiences in childhood are associated with autoimmune disease manifestation in adulthood; therefor [...] 701 7798 |
Improving Tolerance and Compliance of New Targeted Therapies with Homeopathy: A Major Challenge in OncologyAbstract
The application of targeted therapies (TT) in oncology has prolonged survivals and even enabled complete remission of cancers previously considered incurable. With small therapeutic indices, the reduction in dosage or spacing out of the doses of TT due to side effects, represents a significant loss of treatment opportunity for the patients. In the absence of drug interaction and significant side effects, homeopathy used in supportive care improves the quality of life of patients, compliance with oncological treatme [...] 761 7539 |
Potential Role of Blood Flow Restricted Exercise for Older AdultsAbstract
Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength which is associated with the loss of physical performance, lower quality of life, and other negative health outcomes. Resistance training (RT) is a recognized method to increase muscle strength and mass, however some older adults may be limited in their ability to perform RT with traditionally recommended higher-loads. Occluding blood flow to a limb, commonly referred to as muscle blood flow restriction (MBFR), has been investigated as an adjunct to RT [...] 671 4894 |
Integrating the Complementary Therapies of Energy Psychology and Dreamwork – the Dream to Freedom MethodAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the integration of dreamwork and Energy Psychology (EP) can enhance outcomes in the treatment of a range of psychological disorders. The therapeutic process often begins with a peeling away of emotional layers until underlying issues surface. When utilizing dreamwork, however, it is possible to begin at a deeper level. Because dreams address salient unresolved emotional conflicts, dreamwork can quickly bring into consciousness previously unconscious emotional issues [...] 690 6333 |