Building Blocks for an Energy Transition
431 3213
Building Blocks for an Energy TransitionAbstract
The present need for an energy transition in the wake of a global climate catastrophe led to the “EU green deal” which requires a transition of the energy system in all countries. This study aimis survey aims to identify strategies within such an energy transition based on global trend analyses and reports on available technologies for implementation. Based on a literature analysis of over 300 pieces (of feasibility studies and technology implementation reports with a focus on Central Europe) and a statistical anal [...] 431 3213 |
Design and Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Hybrid Mini-grid System for an Academic Institutionby
Jesse Tanko Zarmai
Isaac Ibitoye Alabi
Ebimene Ezekiel Ebisine
Musa Tanko Zarmai
Ovis D. Irefu
Inadequate electricity supply is a global challenge that needs solutions. This situation has compelled the purchasing of fossil fuel-generating units for use in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors to generate electricity. However, using fossil fuel generating units cause greenhouse gas emissions, bringing about environmental pollution and ultimately resulting in climate change. In particular, educational institutions require adequate and reliable power supply to ensure proper learning and teaching, whic [...] 539 3253 |
Local Authority Waste Management Strategies, the Circular Economy and the Generation of Energy from Waste in Englandby
Peter Jones
Martin Wynn
The purpose of this article is to examine the approach to waste management of local authorities in England, to investigate their strategic objectives, and to ascertain to what extent sustainability and circular economy practices are in evidence in this context. A qualitative, inductive research method is used, based on an examination of secondary documentation in three local authorities in England in Birmingham, Bristol and Newcastle upon Tyne. The findings reveal considerable common ground within the three authori [...] 421 2842 |
Wind Farm Layout Optimization Subject to Cable Cost, Hub Height, and a Feasible 3D Gaussian Wake Model ImplementationAbstract
We address the Wind Farm Layout Optimization (WFLO) problem and tackle the optimal placement of several turbines within a specific (wind farm) area by incorporating additional aspects of an economically driven target function. With this, we contribute three refinements for WFLO research: First, while many research contributions optimize the turbines’ locations subject to maximum energy production or energy efficiency, we instead pursue a strategy of maximizing a profit objective. This enables us to incorporate inne [...] 394 2904 |
A Review of North American Prospects for Power and Hot-Water Generation with Thermal EnergyAbstract
This article outlines an innovative approach to explore thermal energy extraction for power generation or industrial hot water applications. Unlike traditional steady-state models, this approach embraces time-variant scenarios, explicitly incorporating a cyclical fluid circulation strategy to maintain a stable surface fluid temperature or power output. By introducing an increasing and decreasing stepwise rate sequence and an intermittent circulation strategy, the method aims to optimize efficiency in response to va [...] 400 2668 |
Nonlinear Optimal Control for a PMLSG-VSC Wave Energy Conversion UnitAbstract
This article aims to treat the nonlinear control problem for the complex dynamics of a wave energy unit (WEC) that consists of a Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator (PMLSG) and a Voltage Source Converter (VSC). The article has developed a globally stable nonlinear optimal control method for this wave power generation unit. The new method avoids complicated state-space model transformations and minimizes the energy dispersion by the control loop. A novel nonlinear optimal control method is proposed for the [...] 412 2762 |
Floating Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters: A Review of DevelopmentsAbstract
The main challenge in designing offshore renewable energy structures is to ensure their structural integrity on a life cycle basis while operating in harsh environments and, in parallel, being financially competitive and environmentally friendly concerning other types of energy systems. The Oscillating Water Column (OWC) converters are among the first energy converters to be developed and deployed into the sea due to their relative simplicity of operation and relatively small number of moving parts. This review pro [...] 1058 10920 |
Monitoring Energy-Loss-Driven-Cost by Using Earned Value Simulation in Complex SystemsAbstract
The economic impact of energy loss stemming from end-user electricity consumption is a significant concern, with historical trends revealing escalating costs. Effectively managing both peak and off-peak demands remains a formidable challenge due to the unpredictable nature of consumer behaviors, leading to energy wastage. This study delves into the nexus of demand uncertainty, financial repercussions, and potential strategies to mitigate energy losses in the evolving landscape of electricity consumption.that causes [...] 438 2925 |
LFO Damping Enhancement in Multimachine Network Using African Vulture Optimization AlgorithmAbstract
The prolonged presence of low-frequency oscillation (LFO) in power system networks (PSN) poses a significant threat to their stability. Hence, engineers and researchers have continuously developed effective strategies to mitigate the issue and enhance the stability of the PSN. This article proposes a new approach using the African Vultures Optimization Algorithm (AVOA) to design robust Power System Stabilizers (PSS) and enhance the LFO damping in multi-machine networks. The damping ratio-based objective function mi [...] 408 2951 |
Proposal for the Sustainable Electrification of a Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) Facility in NigeriaAbstract
Energy is a prerequisite to running health facilities and is, therefore, key to the success of the service. Karshi primary healthcare centre (PHC) facility is confronted with an unreliable power supply that leads to a high cost of generating power from diesel to operate its equipment. This facility needs a sustainable and reliable electricity supply and therefore a change in their energy system to enable it improve its quality of healthcare delivery services. A solar energy-based electricity generation system that [...] 557 3818 |