Table of Content

Open Access Review

Ion Transport in Organic Electrolyte Solutions for Lithium-ion Batteries and Beyond

Received: 24 May 2021;  Published: 27 September 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103043


The performance of metal-ion batteries at low temperatures and their fast charge/discharge rates are determined mainly by the electrolyte (ion) transport. Accurate transport properties must be evaluated for designing and/or optimization of lithium-ion and other metal-ion batteries. In this review, we report and discuss experimental and atomistic computational studies on ion transport, in particular, ion diffusion/dynamics, transference number, and ionic conductivity. Although a large number of studies focusing on l [...]

1786 14253

Open Access Original Research

Development of the Flash Ironmaking Technology (FIT) for Green Ironmaking with Low Energy Consumption

Received: 28 June 2021;  Published: 23 September 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103042


This article describes the development of a novel ironmaking technology based on flash reduction. The development started with the proof of the kinetic feasibility, considering that a typical flash reactor provides only a few seconds of residence time. This was followed by tests in a laboratory flash reactor and finally a pilot plant operation. The rate equations formulated in this work were developed considering the optimum combination of temperature, residence time, and reducing gas partial pressure to achieve > [...]

1399 12333

Open Access Original Research

Aqueous Lithium--Air Batteries with High Power Density at Room Temperature under Air Atmosphere

Received: 30 June 2021;  Published: 23 September 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103041


Rechargeable batteries with higher energy and power density exceeding the performance of the currently available lithium-ion batteries are suitable for application as the power source in electric vehicles (EVs). Aqueous lithium-air batteries are candidates for various EV applications due to their high energy density of 1910 Wh kg-1. The present study reports a rechargeable aqueous lithium-air battery with high power density at room temperature. The battery cell comprised a lithium anode, a non-aqueous anode electro [...]

1162 7920

Open Access Original Research

Energy Storage and Installed Wind Capacity Requirements for the Substitution of Fossil Fuels in the Electricity Generation Sector

Received: 19 April 2021;  Published: 10 September 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103040


The impending adverse effects of Global Climate Change encourages the substitution of fossil fuels with non-carbon sources for electricity generation. However, while fossil fuel power plants may generate electric power at demand, the most abundant renewable energy sources–wind and solar–are intermittent or periodically variable. This necessitates the development of adequate energy storage at the utility/grid level. Using actual data for the hourly energy demand in the ERCOT electricity grid, this study examines the [...]

936 7943

Open Access Research Article

GIS-based MCDM Approach for Wind Farm Site Selection - A Case Study

Received: 08 May 2021;  Published: 17 August 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103039


The objective of this study is the development and implementation of a geographic information system (GIS)-based methodology to determine suitable sites for wind farms by using multicriteria decision making (MCDM) techniques. Many eligibility criteria are considered in this approach, such as GIS analysis is performed in combination with MCDM techniques, both for the criteria weighting process (using the analytical hierarchical process) and for the standardization/classification of the criteria values into a common [...]

1113 9570

Open Access Original Research

New Electrocatalysts Prepared by Co-Sputter Deposition for the Direct Oxidation of Methanol

Received: 25 May 2021;  Published: 13 August 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103038


Direct methanol oxidation catalysts Pt1-x-Tax (0

940 7535

Open Access Original Research

A Highly-efficiency Position Sensorless Electric Vehicle Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drive

Received: 02 May 2021;  Published: 11 August 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103037


The development of high-efficiency motor drives for various applications is important in the industry 4.0 era, especially for their extensive application to electric vehicles (EVs). In this study, a position sensorless EV synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) drive has been developed, which exhibits good driving performance and efficiency over a wide speed and load range. To solve the key problems popularly encountered in the existing approaches, the high-frequency injection (HFI) scheme based on q-axis injection ha [...]

1003 6573

Open Access Research Article

Maintenance Optimization of Wind Turbines Using Weather-Dependent Equivalent Age Model

Received: 26 April 2021;  Published: 04 August 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103036


Aging models are important input into wind farm maintenance and financial viability models. Aging of wind turbines depends on many factors, including both ambient and usage conditions. This paper presents a virtual age based maintenance model for wind turbines considering the effect of wind speed and ambient air temperature on turbine aging. Two maintenance thresholds (i.e., corrective threshold and preventive threshold) and three repair actions (i.e., unscheduled corrective, scheduled corrective and preventive act [...]

1125 7666

Open Access Original Research

A Comparative Study of Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Fe-ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Precipitation and Microwave Method for Photovoltaic Applications

Received: 12 May 2021;  Published: 04 August 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103035


Iron doped ZnO (Fe-ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized using two techniques that are economical as well as scalable to yield tunable properties of nanoparticles for facilitating down conversion in an absorbing layer of a solar cell. To evaluate the suitability of Fe-ZnO nanoparticles prepared by two deposition methods, we present a comparison of optical, electrical, and structural properties of Fe-ZnO using several experimental techniques. Structural properties were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy a [...]

1022 7157

Open Access Review

EnergyPlus-Towards the Selection of Right Simulation Tool for Building Energy and Power Systems Research

Received: 05 February 2021;  Published: 19 July 2021;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2103034


This article offers the summary of detailed literature review on the state of the art of simulation tools for building energy and power system research. The fundamental capabilities required for building energy and power system analysis tools are outlined. A comparative review of different energy simulation tools is presented, along with the summary of their strengths and weaknesses. A review of energy simulation tool rankings using evidence-based research is presented. A novel aspect of this article is the investi [...]

1540 10516