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Open Access Original Research

Consumption of a Recommended Serving of Wheat Bran Cereals Significantly Increases Human Faecal Butyrate Levels in Healthy Volunteers and Reduces Markers of Inflammation Ex Vivo

Received: 08 October 2021;  Published: 17 December 2021;  doi: 10.21926/rpn.2104002


Wheat bran cereals are an important source of dietary fibre. The aim of the study was to investigate if a high intake (120 g) of fibre rich breakfast cereal (which delivers the UK Government guidelines for fibre intake in one serving but is three-fold higher than the manufacturers recommended serving) has additional potential health benefits compared to the recommended serving (40 g, containing 11 g of dietary fibre). To assess this, the study determined the short chain fatty acid (SCFA) profiles in human faecal, u [...]

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Open Access Original Research

Ad Libitum Western Diet Feeding Does Not Alter Basal Skeletal Muscle Heat Shock Protein Expression in Sedentary or Aerobically Trained Young Rats

Received: 03 August 2021;  Published: 15 October 2021;  doi: 10.21926/rpn.2104001


Poor dietary habits can lead to obesity and insulin resistance—both of which can impair basal heat shock protein (HSP) expression and the HSP stress response in skeletal muscle. It remains unclear if impairments in HSP expression occur during the early stages of diet-induced obesity and metabolic dysfunction. We determined if basal HSP expression (HSP70, HSP60, HSP25) was impaired in sedentary or exercised rats following the onset of diet-induced obesity. Male Long-Evans rats (N=6-7/group) were assigned to a Wester [...]

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