05 Sep / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Paul Mativenga from The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. He holds a Chair in Multiscale & Sustainable Manufacturing at The University of Manchester after joining the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in 2002. His expertise and research are in Manufacturing Technologies (machining science, micro manufacturing, laser processing, and sustainable manufacturing). He focuses on manufacturing at different length and speed scales. He obtained a PhD and MSc in Manufacturing Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology respectively from The University of Liverpool, UK. He is excited about developing engineering science solutions to the major challenges of resource efficiency and industrial sustainability. His research focuses on innovative manufacturing technologies and resource-efficient or green manufacturing. They research and understand how we can make the manufacturing industry technologically and economically competitive while operating within the boundaries of environmentally friendly manufacturing. He is a Member of the International Academy of Production Engineering, College International pour la Recherche en Productique (CIRP). The CIRP was founded in 1951 to address scientifically, through international cooperation, issues related to modern production science and technology. In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, his major administrative responsibility is strategic leadership of Social Responsibility and Equality Diversity, and Inclusion. The University has an important role to play in making a positive difference in society and knowledge creation, delivering industrial, environmental, and policy impact. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Paul Mativenga for his participation and support.

28 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Michail Kalogiannakis from University of Thessaly, Greece, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Michail Kalogiannakis is an Associate Professor of the Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly in Greece and an Associate Tutor at School of Humanities at the Hellenic Open University. He graduated from the Physics Department of the University of Crete and continued his post-graduate studies at the University Paris 7-Denis Diderot (D.E.A. in Didactic of Physics), University Paris 5-René Descartes-Sorbonne (D.E.A. in Science Education) and received his PhD degree at the University Paris 5-René Descartes-Sorbonne (PhD in Science Education). His research interests include: science education in early childhood, science teaching and learning, e-learning, the use of ICT in science education, distant and adult education and mobile learning. He has published over 120 articles in international conferences and journals, and has served on the program committees of numerous international conferences. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Michail Kalogiannakis for his participation and support.

12 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Mihaela Botez from Department of Automated Production Engineering, ETS, Montreal, Canada, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Dr Ruxandra Botez has been Full Professor at ÉTS University in Canada since 1998. Ruxandra has been a Canada Research Chair Tier 1 Holder in Aircraft Modeling and Simulation Technologies since 2011, and she has been the Head of the Laboratory of Applied Research in Active Controls, Avionics, and AeroServoElasticity LARCASE since 2003. Ruxandra is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), the Canadian Aeronautical Society Institute (CASI), the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and many other associations and institutions She is the Editor-in-Chief of the INCAS Bulletin. Ruxandra has supervised more than 22 PhD students, 100 Master’s students (projects and theses), and 260 internship students in her academic career. Ruxandra has published more than 175 archival original journal articles, 300 conference papers, and 7 invited book chapters. Ruxandra and her team have obtained more than 50 awards; she has also given more than 50 invited speaker presentations. Ruxandra works in collaboration with various aerospace companies in Canada, such as Bombardier Aerospace, CAE Inc., Esterline CMC Electronics, Bell Helicopter Textron, Thales Aerospace, GlobVision, FLIR Systems, and IAR-NRC; Presagis and NASA in the USA; Alenia and CIRA in Italy; Hydra Technologies in Mexico; DLR in Germany; and the National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” in Romania. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Mihaela Botez for her participation and support.

09 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Rosa Francesca De Masi from University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Prof. Dr. R Rosa Francesca De Masi is an outstanding scholar who experts mainly in Energy efficiency in building, Heat Transfer and Engineering Thermodynamics. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Rosa Francesca De Masi for her participation and support.

09 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

 We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Marco Roccetti from Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Since 2000, he has been Full Professor of Computer Science at Alma Mater Studiorum, where he taught several courses in computer science: he now teaches Human Data Science and Internet Architecture. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna since 2019, of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Space Agency since 2022, he was Visiting Scholar at UCLA (2011-15) and Visiting Scientist at ICSI Berkeley (1993). In 2017-18 he was Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Data Science and Computation, Alma Mater. Current research interests include human data science, human-AI teaming, predictive intelligence, data-driven prescient modeling, and digital medicine; he has authored more than 250 scientific contributions that have received various awards, including five best paper awards, a Microsoft Research Star Award, and a Web Accessibility Challenge Delegates Award from the W3C Consortium. The h-indexes of his scientific output are 34, 40 and 35, respectively, as calculated by Scopus, Scholar and ResearchGate. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Marco Roccetti for his participation and support.

06 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Taha Selim Ustun from Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Koriyama, Japan, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Taha Selim Ustun received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. He is currently a researcher with the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), where he leads the Smart Grid Cybersecurity Laboratory. Before that, he was a faculty member with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He has been invited to run specialist courses in Africa, India, and China. His research has attracted funding from prestigious programs in Japan, Australia, Europe, and North America. His current research interests include power systems protection, communication in power networks, distributed generation, microgrids, electric vehicle integration, and cybersecurity in smart grids. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Taha Selim Ustun for his participation and support.

05 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Pascal Lorenz from University of Haute Alsace IUT - 34 rue du Grillenbreit, 68008 Colmar, France, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Pascal Lorenz ( received his M.Sc. (1990) and Ph.D. (1994) from the University of Nancy, France. Between 1990 and 1995 he was a research engineer at WorldFIP Europe and at Alcatel-Alsthom. He is a professor at the University of Haute-Alsace, France, since 1995. His research interests include QoS, wireless networks and high-speed networks. He is the author/co-author of 3 books, 3 patents and 200 international publications in refereed journals and conferences. He was Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine Editorial Board (2000-2006), IEEE Networks Magazine since 2015, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology since 2017, Chair of IEEE ComSoc France (2014-2020), Financial chair of IEEE France (2017-2022), Chair of Vertical Issues in Communication Systems Technical Committee Cluster (2008-2009), Chair of the Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee (2003-2009), Chair of the Communications Software Technical Committee (2008-2010) and Chair of the Technical Committee on Information Infrastructure and Networking (2016-2017), Chair of IEEE/ComSoc Satellite and Space Communications Technical (2022-2023), IEEE R8 Finance Committee (2022-2023), IEEE R8 Conference Coordination Committee (2023). He has served as Co-Program Chair of IEEE WCNC'2012 and ICC'2004, Executive Vice-Chair of ICC'2017, TPC Vice Chair of Globecom'2018, Panel sessions co-chair for Globecom'16, tutorial chair of VTC'2013 Spring and WCNC'2010, track chair of PIMRC'2012 and WCNC'2014, symposium Co-Chair at Globecom 2007-2011, Globecom'2019, ICC 2008-2010, ICC'2014 and '2016. He has served as Co-Guest Editor for special issues of IEEE Communications Magazine, Networks Magazine, Wireless Communications Magazine, Telecommunications Systems and LNCS. He is associate Editor for International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS-Wiley), Journal on Security and Communication Networks (SCN-Wiley) and International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA-Elsevier). He is senior member of the IEEE, IARIA fellow and member of many international program committees. He has organized many conferences, chaired several technical sessions and gave tutorials at major international conferences. He was IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer Tour during 2013-2014. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Pascal Lorenz for his participation and support.

05 Aug / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Amin Beiranvand Pour from Institute of Oceanography & Environment (INOS), Higher Institution Center of Excellence (HICoE) in Marine Science, University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Terengganu, Malaysia, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Amin Beiranvand Pour is a leading scientist and internationally established researcher in the field of geological and environmental remote sensing. He was listed among the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University for the years 2019-2023. He is Co-Founder and Team Lead in ScanMiner Solutions. He is one of the highly cited researchers in the field of geological remote sensing in the world (ranked 2 in Google Scholar). He has ranked 1 among Top Scientists for year 2023 in Earth Science in Malaysia. He has a full academic background in remote sensing, geology, mineral exploration and environmental sciences. He was project Leader of numerous remote sensing research projects using multispectral and hyperspectral sensors for geological mapping, mineral exploration, environmental modelling and monitoring. His experience ranges widely, from geological mapping to environmental issues such as lithological and structural mapping, mineral exploration, environmental monitoring and modelling, geo-hazard, geothermal mapping, geomorphic and coastal geology investigations. He has published more than 200 research papers and 5 books in the field of geological remote sensing, mineral exploration and geohazard modeling. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Amin Beiranvand Pour for his participation and support.

31 Jul / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Yuekuan Zhou from Sustainable Energy and Environment Thrust, Function Hub The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Nansha, China, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Prof. Zhou obtained his PhD degree in 2021 from Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU), Master’s degree from Hunan University in 2017 and Bachelor from PLA university of Science and Technology in 2014. Zhou conducted his PhD attachment program in 2019 in Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof. Jan L.M. Hensen. He joined in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2021. He was awarded the Best Paper Award in CUE2020: Applied Energy Symposium: ¬Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, organized by Applied Energy journal. He has 3 highly cited papers (ESI 1%). He won the award ‘Outstanding PhD candidate in international conference on Energy and Built Environment’ in 2021. Dr. Zhou is invited as guest editor to launch a special issue ‘Energy Flexible Buildings with Energy Conversion and Management Technologies’ in the SCI journal, Applied Sciences, in 2021. Dr. Zhou was also invited to contribute chapters in 7 books (publishers: Elsevier, Springer and so on). Dr. Zhou’s research aims at achieving smart zero-energy and zero-carbon district energy systems for carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation, via cleaner power production, energy-efficient system design and operation, innovation in smart energy integration, multi-objective optimization on nonlinear dynamic behaviours with artificial intelligence. Cross-disciplinary areas and multidisciplinary research with cutting-edge technologies are required, including materials engineering, chemical engineering, thermodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, renewable energy engineering, energy economics, and artificial intelligence. His current research interests include electrochemical battery, hydrogen and pumped hydro storages in zero-energy buildings, life-cycle carbon-neutral buildings, peer-to-peer energy trading and inter-city energy migration energy network with hydrogen economy. Up until now, he has published over 35 SCI papers in high impact journals. He is currently serving as an editorial board member for Journal of Architectural Environment & Structural Engineering Research (JAESER). He also serves as reviewer for high-impact SCI journals, such as Nano Energy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management; Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainable City and Societies, Energy; Renewable Energy; Solar Energy; Building and Environment; Journal of Energy Storage, and so on. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Yuekuan Zhou for his participation and support.

22 Jul / 2024

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Christian N. Madu from Pace University, New York, United States, to join the Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research. Prof. Christian N Madu is a leading scholar and expert in the areas of chemical safety and security management, sustainability management, disaster risk reduction, process change and quality control. In 2017, he was appointed by the United States Department of State - CDRF as the lead Subject Matter Expert to run training on chemical safety and security in the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. This training which recently concluded took him through the entire country. He has published extensively in his areas of research interests and his recent books include the Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management (2017) and Handbook of Sustainability Management published in 2012. Both books were published by the Imperial College Press and World Scientific Publishing, UK. He has written best seller books on sustainability management. Some of his books in the sustainability management area include the following titles Environmental Planning and Management (Imperial College Press, London, 2007 – best seller), Competing on Quality and Environment (Chi Publishers, CT, USA, 2004), Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, USA, 2001), Managing Green Technologies for Global Competitiveness (Quorum Books, Westport, CT, USA, 1995). He is currently working on a book titled Sustainability in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria and editing the 2nd edition of the Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing to be published by Springer Press, USA. Prof. Madu has published more than 150 articles in leading academic journals including Land Use Policy, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainable Cities and Society, Expert Systems with Applications, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Decision Sciences, Journal of Operational Research Society, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Computers & Operations Research, European Journal of Operations Research, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Applied Mathematics Letters, IIE Transactions, Long Range Planning, Socio-economic Planning Sciences etc. and more than 15 books by leading publishers in the world such as Springer, Kluwer, Greenwood, Imperial College Press, Chi Publishers, and World Scientific Publishing . He holds more than 6780 citations of his research works with an h-index of 42. He is also at 92.5 percentile of all the scholars at ResearchGate has more than 72 publications in Thomson Reuters indexed impact factor journals. He has also won several research and teaching awards and he is the recipient of several grant awards. He has reviewed for many international grant agencies including the United States National Science Foundation, SABIC Research Proposals in Saudi Arabia, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and has served as an external reviewer for PhD thesis in countries such as the United States, Australia, and India including three different centers of the Indian Institute of Technology. He was at one time, a Visiting Research Scholar at Hong Kong Baptist University in Hong Kong. Prof. Madu served as editor of the International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management for 20 years. He was also the Topic Editor of Environmental Decision Making, Encyclopedia of Earth (National Society for Environment, USA) in 2006. He is on the editorial board of more than thirty academic journals and receives numerous unsolicited invitations to serve on different boards and dissertation committees around the world. He has also presented frequently to several agencies of the Federal Republic of Nigeria including NESREA, NEMA, Raw Material Research Council, Federal Ministry of Science & Technology, Federal Ministry of Labor & Productivity, and the Federal House of Representatives Committee on the Environment. He is a Fellow of Nigeria Environmental Society (NES), Nigeria Institute of Strategic Management (ISM), and Institute of Policy Management Development. Prof. Madu has also consulted for several international organizations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Con Edison, International Bottled Water Association, Drinking Water Research Foundation. He also initiated and ran the Process Change Initiative workshops for several university including Yeshiva University, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Pace University, and University of Nigeria. We appreciate Prof. Dr. Christian N. Madu for his participation and support.