We sincerely welcome Dr. Jasmin from University of California San Francisco, United States, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Jasmin has extensive experience in: pain, stress, theentericnervous system, primary sensory neurons, dorsal root ganglion, pharmacology, GABA, glutamate, TRPM8, and health care economics and policies, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Dr. Jasmin for his participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Dr. Khan from University of Tennessee Health Science Center, United States, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Khan has extensive experience in: neuroscience, pharmacology, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, Parkinson’s disease, stroke; Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injury, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Dr. Khan for his participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Dr. Sabine M. Hölter, from Helmholtz Zentrum München and Technical University Munich, Germany, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Hölter has abundant professional experience in behavioral neuroscience, neuropsychiatric diseases, neurodegeneration, molecular neurogenetics, mouse phenotyping, neuropharmacology, neurobiology and brain physiology, etc. We appreciate Dr. Hölter for her participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Dr. Viscomi from IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Viscomi has extensive experience in: neurodegenerative disease, brain injury, neuroscience biochemistry, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Dr. Viscomi for her participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Professor Reale, from “G.d’Annunzio” University, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Professor Reale has abundant professional experience in inflammation, cytokines, neurodegenerative disease, neuroinflammation, autoimmune diseases, probiotics and inflammation, etc. We appreciate Professor Reale for her participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Professor Campolongo from Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Professor Campolongo has extensive experience in: neurobiology, neuropsychopharmacology, behavioral neuroscience, neuropharmacology, behavioral testing, behavioral pharmacology, cannabinoid research, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Professor Campolongo for her participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Professor Beran from Griffith University, Australia, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Professor Beran has extensive experience in: sleep, health law & ethics, epilepsy, sleep disorders, drug trials, legal medicine, neurological conditions & new therapies, neurological advances, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Professor Beran for his participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Dr. Lanciego, from University of Navarra Medical School, Spain, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Lanciego has abundant professional experience in basal ganglia anatomy, Parkinson's disease and related synucleinopathies, glucocerebrosidase, GPCR receptors, alpha-synuclein, gene therapy, neurodegeneration, nonhuman primates, etc. We appreciate Dr. Lanciego for his participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Dr. Kozicz, from University of Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Kozicz has abundant professional experience in animal models of stress-related mood disorders, neurobiology of stress, urocortin, corticotropin releasing factor, energy metabolism, mitochondria, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Dr. Kozicz for his participation and support.
We sincerely welcome Professor Reynolds from Texas A & M University, United States, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Professor Reynolds has extensive experience in: psychology, social Sciences, neuroscience, psychological testing and assessment, health professions, etc. We are sincerely grateful to Professor Reynolds for his participation and support.