01 Feb / 2016

OBM Neurobiology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Professor Mark G. Darlison from the Edinburgh Napier University, UK, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Professor Darlison is a distinguished scholar specializing in molecular neurobiology with particular interest on receptors and ion channels, and their role in diseases such as brain ischaemia and cancer. We appreciate Professor Darlison's participation and support.

29 Jan / 2016

OBM Neurobiology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Severn B. Churn, Associate Professor and Director of the VCU Brain Bank from the Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Churn is an accomplished scholar with expertise in neurological disorders. He explores the molecular and cellular mechanisms of altered brain function, and has led multiple research projects on the effects of stroke, epilepsy, head trauma and Alzheimer's disease on brain function and nerve cell survival. We appreciate Dr. Churn's participation and support.

25 Jan / 2016

OBM Neurobiology Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Ricardo C. Araneda, Associate Professor, from the University of Maryland, USA, to join the Editorial Board of OBM Neurobiology. Dr. Araneda is a distinguished scholar with profound expertise in systems neuroscience, olfaction, synaptic transmission, neuromodulation and pharmacology, etc. We appreciate Dr. Araneda's participation and support.