22 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Tara Perrot, from Dalhousie University, Canada, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Perrot uses a range of techniques to better understand the factors that shape stress-related behavioural and neural outcomes in males and females.  We appreciate Prof. Perrot for her participation and support.

21 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Alberto Romero, from University of Seville, Spain, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. He is Professor in Chemical Engineering from the “Universidad de Sevilla”, with a Degree in Chemistry and a Master in Industrial Chemistry. In 2005, he was awarded a grant (FPU-grant) by the Spanish Government to develop his PhD thesis, which was presented in 2009 and received the European Doctor degree and an Honourable mention in the Iberian Award to the most Distinguished PhD thesis (2009-2011). He carried out postdoctoral research was at the Leuven University under the supervision of Professor Jan Vermant, at the University of Lorraine and as a visiting Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Department of Chemical Engineering). He leads the Ibero-American network of investigation about the valorization of food by-products and waste (VALORAL) with more than 20 research groups from 11 different countries. He has supervised 2 awarded PhD thesis and more than 20 MSc degree students. Nowadays, he supervises three PhD theses and acts as reviewer for different scientific journals. He has taken part in more than 20 R+D projects, is the author of 2 patents, more than 25 international book chapters and 110 articles in indexed journals. He has been awarded different research prizes in his career, highlighting the "Manuel Losada Villasante" award on circular economy. His main research activities have been focused on the development of products with tailored microstructure and functionality (e.g. complex interfacial fluid-fluid layers, protein-based emulsions, dispersions and gels, protein-polysaccharide matrices, scaffolds for tissue engineering). Particular emphasis has been given to the relationships between material processing, rheology and microstructure and their implications in their potential food applications. We appreciate Prof. Romero for his participation and support.

20 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Frederic J Tessier, from University of Lille, France, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Prof. Tessier received his Ph.D in analytical chemistry from the Institut National Agronomique de Paris in 1997. His doctoral research was in the area of the Maillard reaction and glycation. Following his Ph.D., Prof. Tessier accepted a postdoctoral position at Case Western Reserve University, and a few years later a position at the California Institute of Technology. In both American institutes, his research focused on the discovery of new glycation products. After holding two other positions in the pharmaceutical industry, Prof. Tessier took up an academic position in 2003 as Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Nutrition, at the Institut UniLaSalle (France). In 2015 he was appointed Professor at Lille University where he remains. In 2017 he created the Francophone Maillard Reaction Society (FMaRS) with colleagues from the University of Reims and UniLaSalle. Since 2018 he is the president elect of the International Maillard Reaction Society (IMARS). The main goal of his current research is understanding how dietary glycation products affect the chemical safety and nutritional quality of heat-treated food, and how human health and longevity is affected by chronic exposure to these products.  We appreciate Prof. Tessier for his participation and support.

15 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Mirian Pateiro from Centro Tecnolóxico da Carne de Galicia, Spain, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. She obtained the Ph.D. degree in Food Science and Technology in the University of Vigo in 2010. She has been developing her research activity since nine years ago in the Centro Tecnolóxico da Carne de Galicia. Her scientific production includes one hundred thirty scientific research papers in well-recognized peer-reviewed international journals (SCI) in the Food Science and Technology area, most of them in the first quartile (number of publications in Q1 is higher than 50), and 80 communications to national and international meetings, congresses and symposiums. Her h-index is 30 with a number of cites of 2345 in Scopus. She has participated in more than 25 projects as research collaborator. She is editing three books, and she has contributed with sixteen chapters of books. We appreciate Dr. Pateiro for her participation and support.

15 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Jennifer Keogh from University of South Australia, Australia, to to lead the journal Recent Progress in Nutrition as the Editor-in-Chief. Dr Keogh was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the University of Adelaide Australia for a thesis entitled “Nutrition and Vascular Health”. She holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia for a thesis entitled Bone Mass and Body Composition in Adults: Effects of Liver Transplantation. Dr Keogh is Associate Professor of Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of South Australia (2010). She qualified as a dietitian from the College of Technology Dublin which is now the Technological University Dublin where she holds the title of Adjunct Professor. Dr Keogh was awarded a Fellowship of the South Australian Cardiovascular Research Development Program funded by the Heart Foundation and the Government of South Australia, March 2013 - March 2016. She also received The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Medal for Research Excellence in 2005. She is a member of the University of South Australia’s Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity Research Centre. Dr Keogh had a career in clinical dietetics and held leadership positions at the Hammersmith and Queen Charlotte’s Special Health Authority in London, St. James Hospital London, the Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania, Australia and Ballarat Health Services, Victoria, Australia. She has a substantial scientific output with 150 peer reviewed publications to date, an h-index of 44 and 5934 citations (Scopus 2021). We appreciate Prof. Keogh for her participation and support.

14 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Professor M. Beatriz P.P. Oliveira from Faculty of Pharmacy of Porto University (FFUP), Portugal, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Professor Beatriz Oliveira as completed her PhD degree at FFUP in 1995 and until now has been working at the Laboratory of Bromatology, department of Chemical Sciences. She became a Full Professor in 2020 and published more than 430 papers in reputed journals. She has developed her teaching and research career in the area of quality control, authenticity and food safety. Some publications have focused on the valorization of by-products of the agrifood industry and of low-value products for food. She has an extensive experience in the food field, namely collaboration with companies in the sector. She has several award-winning works in the context of the valorization of by-products and her works use environmentally friendly and sustainable methodologies. We appreciate Prof. Oliveira for her participation and support.

14 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Mohsen Mazidi from University of Oxford, UK, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. He is working in the CKB to investigate translational applications of human multi-OMICs information to elucidate the aetiology of disease and help guide drug development in areas of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by applying human genetics (e.g. through Mendelian randomisation) together with machine learning and advanced epidemiological techniques (personalised medicine).  
He undertook a BSc and MSc degree in Nutrition Science. During his PhD, Nutrition Epidemiology, He examined large national prospective studies and nutritional records within the context of NCDs and related features at the Academy of Science. Alongside PhD training, He investigated the role of modifiable risk factors on risk of NCD mortality. Dr. Mazidi discovered his passion for the numbers around biology, which lead me to focus on personalised medicine. He then progressed to postdoctoral level and moved to Sweden, where he was trained in applying advanced epidemiological techniques to quantify the role of multi-OMICs and their mediator link between dietary intakes and disease pre-conditions. Before joining Oxford, he was appointed as a researcher at King's College London, Twins group, as well as having the privilege of working with the unique company, which funds large trials with the hope of progressing personalised medicine/nutrition. We appreciate Dr. Mohsen Mazidi for his participation and support.

12 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Peter Ballmer, from Swiss Society for Clinical Nutrition, Switzerland, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition.  He graduated in Medicine in 1979 at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Thereafter he specialised in General Internal Medicine and Intensive Care at the University of Bern and became chairman of the Departement of Medicine at the Kantonsspital Winterthur (Zürich) for 23 years. He got awarded Professor of Medicine in 2002 at the University of Zürich.

During a research fellowship at the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen (Scotland) he intensified his scientific interest in clinical nutrition, primarily with a focus on albumin metabolism, where he could introduce a new method for measuring albumin synthetic rates in man using stable isotopes. A personal interest was also high altitude medicine, which he implemented on Capanna Regina Margherita on 4559 m (near Zermatt, Switzerland).

In recent years his main interest was malnutrition, in particular nutritional interventions combined with physical exercise in patients with cancer.

He is the president of the local Society for Clinical Nutrition, Switzerland (GESKES/SSNC). We appreciate Prof. Ballmer for his participation and support.

08 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Martin Grootveld, from De Montfort University, UK, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. He completed his PhD degree research programme on bioanalytical chemistry and metallodrugs in 1985 at the same institution and then conducted post-doctoral work on the analysis of ‘markers’ of free radical activity in biofluids at King’s College, University of London for 2 years. He then spent 2.5 years lecturing and conducting research work at the Polytechnic of North London prior to taking up a Lectureship in Clinical Chemistry at St. Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1989, where he subsequently became Senior Lecturer and then Reader in Chemical Pathology. Later, he transferred to London South Bank University where he was also Reader in Chemical Pathology, and Director of their MSc Forensic Science course. He was then appointed Professor of Chemical Pathology and Biomedical Materials at the Institute for Materials Research and Innovation (IMRI), University of Bolton where he established and directed a Master’s course in Medical and Healthcare Devices which was the first of its kind available in the UK. Recently, he took up the position of Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry at Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University, where he is also Head of the Chemistry for Health/Bioanalytical Sciences Research Group. We appreciate Prof. Grootveld for his participation and support.

08 Apr / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Paolo Bellavite, from University of Verona, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. He graduated in Medicine in 1976 at Trieste University. He then specialized in Hematology, got a Master in Biotechnology from Cranfield University (U.K.) and a perfectioning degree in Health Statistics and Epidemiology. Since 1984 he has been professor of General Pathology at Verona university (I), until may 2017, then he's doing research as expert supervisor. He and his group have developed research on the molecular, cellular and pharmacological aspects of inflammation, with special reference to granulocytes and macrophages, free radical formation and toxicity, platelet function and regulation. He also developed studies on epistemology, history of medicine, vaccination, bioethics. He is author of more than 250 scientific papers, over 140 of which are cited in PubMed database. We appreciate Prof. Bellavite for his participation and support.