17 Mar / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Franck Carbonero, from Washington State University-Spokane, USA, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. His research program is focused on nutrition and its impact on the human and animal gut microbiome, with focus on dietary bioactives. Dr. Carbonero has published 40 scientific articles and has delivered over 15 presentations at scientific meetings. He is an Academic Editor for Plos One and Editorial board member for 4 other journals. We appreciate Dr. Carbonero for his participation and support.

17 Mar / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. María Jose Esteve, from University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Her research focuses on the study of of non-thermal technologies for the preservation and extraction of bioactive compounds in fruits and vegetables. Currently he focuses his research on the recovery of wastes/by-products of the agri-food industry, mainly obtaining bioactive compounds that can be used as natural ingredients in food and meet consumer demands. For this, green extraction methodologies are studied, with the use of environmentally friendly solvents and non-conventional techniques such as ultrasound. Her research is also carried out in the field of dietetics and nutrition with the assessment of the nutritional status and diet of different population niches, establishing the necessary guidelines to establish sustainable and healthy diets. We appreciate Prof. Esteve for her participation and support.

10 Mar / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Francisca Serra, from Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. She is part of the group promoter of the UIB technology-based spin-off Alimentómica SL and holds the position of Director of R&D. Her research focuses on the study of the molecular basis of obesity, body weight regulation by nutrients, gene-nutrients interaction (nutrigenomics) and the impact of perinatal diet (Epigenetics) on susceptibility to adulthood obesity. She is working on the study of gene variants that affect the risk of obesity and its modulation by bioactives (Nutrigenetics). It is of her interest the characterization of functional foods, rich in ingredients that could help to counteract obesity and, in particular, optimized for specific genotypes. We appreciate Prof. Serra for her participation and support.

04 Mar / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Professor Rafat A. Siddiqui from Virginia State University, USA, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. His research interests are in the area of cancer, inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases. His recent work focuses on the health benefits of fish oil, grape pomace, green papaya, pomegranate, Plums, Ginger, and Turmeric extracts. His research emphasis is on the synergistic modulation of chronic diseases by combination of nutrients and drugs. We are grateful to Prof. Siddiqui for his participation and support.

04 Mar / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Dimitrios P. Bogdanos from University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. He is the Director of the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University of Thessaly Medical School. His group is focused on research in three areas: microbial/viral infection as a trigger of autoimmunity, focusing on the role of molecular mimicry; investigation of the diagnostic and clinical significance of autoantibodies; immunopathogenesis of autoimmune diseases and the role played by Th17/T/Bregulatory cells. More recently has extended his research to include the role played by diet constituents as immunosuppressants. We appreciate Prof. Bogdanos for his participation and support.

02 Mar / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Jesus Simal-Gandara from University of Vigo, Spain, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. He was 1st Spanish Award of Completion of Pharmacy and PhD Prize at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He also was Associate Professor in 1991 at the University of Vigo, where he is Full Professor since 1999. He now leads a research group of excellence at NW Spain, in addition to CIA3 (Environmental, Agricultural and Food Research Center) formed by 10 research groups from different fields (botany, plant physiology, soil science and agricultural chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, nutrition and food science, biotechnology, food technology, food rheology, chemical engineering, and colloidal chemistry), and also is the Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food Science at the University of Vigo. He performed research stays at the Université de Paris-Sud (Paris, France), University of Delaware (Newark, USA), Fraunhofer-Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung (Munich, Germany), Central Science Laboratory (Norwich and York, UK), TNO-Voeding (Zeist, Netherlands), Packaging Industries Research Association (Leatherhead, UK) and The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology (Gothenburg, Sweden). He is editor of 4 national books. He published book chapters in 10 national and 14 international books. He directed 15 doctoral theses and participated in lots of competitive research projects, of which he was principal investigator at 20. We appreciate Prof. Simal-Gandara for his participation and support.

23 Feb / 2021

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Professor Paul J. Arciero from Department of Health and Human Physiological Sciences, Skidmore College, USA, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Prof. Arciero specializes in Protein pacing, nutrition and fitness interventions, exercise training, neurocognitive training, obesity and disease prevention, focusing on optimal health paradigms of healthy nutrition and exercise interventions. At present, his primary focus is evaluating the effectiveness of his protein pacing and prise protocol, nutrition and fitness lifestyle interventions on body composition, energy metabolism, markers of cardiovascular risk and cognitive function adults of all ages. We are grateful to Prof. Arciero for his participation and support.