18 Sep / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We welcome Dr. Tzortzis Nomikos from Harokopio University, Greece, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Nomikos is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Harokopio University. He has extensive experience in the metabolism of lipid mediators, nutrition and platelet functionality, postprandial dysmetabolism, nutrition and exercise-induced muscle damage. We are grateful to Dr. Nomikos for his participation and support.

10 Sep / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We welcome Dr. Angel Gil-Izquierdo from CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia (Spain), to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Gil-Izquierdo is a tenured research scientist at CEBAS-CSIC (Spanish National Research Council), working in human and clinical nutrition, food science and technology, oxidative stress, metabolomics, new markers for the detection of human pathologies, plant and human oxylipins, lipophenols, phenolic compounds and polyphenols. His main lines of research are related to the effect of plant bioactive compounds on health (polyphenols and lipid-derived compounds). We are grateful to Dr. Gil-Izquierdo for his participation and support

09 Sep / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We welcome Prof. Youssef A. Attia from King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Attia is a full professor of poultry production and nutrition in the Department of Agriculture. He has extensive experience in poultry nutrition and breeding, production, husbandry, physiology. We are grateful to Prof. Attia for his participation and support.

09 Sep / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We welcome Prof. Corrado Angelini from the University of Padova, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Angelini is a full professor of neurology at the University of Padova. He has extensive experience in primary biochemical defects in inherited neuromuscular diseases, clinical trials, pathophysiology of muscle dystrophies, myasthenia gravis, congenital muscle diseases, carnitina, lipid metabolism and disuse muscle atrophy and sarcopenia. We are grateful to Prof. Angelini for his participation and support.

09 Sep / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We welcome Dr. Charles Odilichukwu R. Okpala from the University of Georgia Athens, USA, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Okpala is a County Extension Agent and Assistant Professor cadre at UGA Cooperative Extension at the University of Georgia Athens. Areas of research interest include food processing/quality, food nutrition/production, family consumer sciences, extension services/community development, consumer protection/safety, utilization of animal/plant products in sustainable global food systems, innovative/emerging agrifood process technologies, qualitative and quantitative research methods, quality management of agrifood products, etc. We are grateful to Dr. Okpala for his participation and support.

09 Sep / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We welcome Dr. Klara Komici from the University of Molise, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Dr. Komici is an Associate Professor in Internal Medicine at the University of Molise. She has extensive experience in heart failure, malnutrition, frailty, geriatric medicine, multidimensional geriatric evaluations. We are grateful to Dr. Komici for her participation and support.

22 Jan / 2024

ORCID Membership

It is our pleasure to announce that LIDSEN has joined the ORCID community. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a global, not-for-profit organization, provides a free, unique, and persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD), which can automatically link researchers to their own contributions, so as to disambiguate researchers from one another. Authors who publish with Recent Progress in Nutrition are greatly encouraged to register for a unique iD to ensure proper attribution.

04 Jan / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Lucia Malaguarnera, from University of Catania, Catania, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Lucia Malaguarnera graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Catania. Early in her scientific training she conducted research at: Temple University School - Department of Pathology and Fels Cancer Institute for Molecular Biology and Cancer Research; Jefferson Cancer Institute, Department of Microbiology and Immunology - Philadelphia; and at New York Medical College Department of Pharmacology, Valhalla - New York. He is currently professor of general pathology and immunology at the Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Catania, Italy. We appreciate Prof. Lucia Malaguarnera for her participation and support.

04 Jan / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Dr. Rosita Gabbianelli, from Unit of Molecular Biology and Nutrigenomics, School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, 62032 Camerino (MC), Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. She is Associate Professor of Biochemistry at University of Camerino, Italy from 2010. She obtained the qualification as Full Professor in Biochemistry (31/03/2017). She teaches Molecular Biology and Nutrigenomics at the School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, Italy. Invited Professor of Biochemistry at the Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China (from 2015). Invited Professor in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Department/Unit of Food Science, CLUJ-Napoca, Romania (from 2015) and at ISS-ISEP, Porto, Portugal. Teaching activity on Nutrigenomics at University of Pharmacy-Hanoi, Vietnam, Quy Nhon University, Vietnam and Pemba, Tanzania (2017).
Her research field includes the study of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms associated to the development of neurodegeneration induced by early life exposure to food pesticides and nutrigenomic strategies to counterbalance neuronal damage. Her expertise is documented in 120 peer-reviewed publications, 4 book chapters and 131 abstracts to international meetings. Her research activity is supported by the cooperation with SMEs and national and international Institutions. She is Guest Editor for J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, Mech Ageing Dev and Antioxidants and Member of review panels of several journals on health. Reviewer for the European Commission (EX2006C200916) H2020-SC1-2019-SINGLE-STAGE-RTD, Reprise – Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation, STSM Cost Action NutRedOx and Czech Science Foundation. Member of SIB, ISNN, Unicam Delegate for NUGO Association, Italian MC Member of DEVoTION CA18211, NutRedOx CA16112 (Action participant), Epichembio CM1606 (Action participant). Chair of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the European Summer School on Nutrigenomics (from 2014). We appreciate Prof. Rosita Gabbianelli Soofi for her participation and support.

04 Jan / 2024

Recent Progress in Nutrition Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Raffele Palmirotta, from University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Nutrition. Raffaele Palmirotta received his M.D. degree in 1991 at the University of Chieti, Italy. Specialized in Clinical Pathology (summa cum laude) in 1996 and in Medical Genetic in 2006 at the University of Chieti, Italy. In 2001 Ph.D. in "Molecular diagnostic techniques for the study of hereditary cancer and gene therapy" at the University of Chieti, Italy. In 2012 he completed a Master in “Forensic Genetic”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and in 2016 a Master in “Cytogenetic” University of Rome “Roma 3”, Italy. From 1991 to 2001 he joined the Department of Oncology and Neurosciences at the University of Chieti as MD Degree. From 2001 to 2002 Researcher at the IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Rome. From 2001 to 2005 Deputy Chief at the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology, IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Rome. From 2005 to 2013 he joined the IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, as Responsible of Molecular Diagnosis Section of “Department of Laboratory Medicine and Advanced Biotechnologies”. From 2014 to 2015full Professor at the San Raffaele Roma Open University, Rome, From 2015 to date collaborator at Oncogenomic Research Center “Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy. We appreciate Dr. Raffele Palmirotta for his participation and support.