25 Jan / 2019

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Yao Li from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Prof. Li is author or co-author of over 100 papers, 35 patents, and two books in the fields of materials science and engineering and materials processing. He is a renowned scholar who specializes in construction and preparation of advanced functional composite and the control of their optical and thermal properties, ordered structured functional materials and their applications, preparation and analysis of new high-performance polymer nanocomposites. We appreciate Prof. Li for his participation and support.

09 Jan / 2019

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Sawanta S. Mali from Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Mali is a renowned scholar who specializes in the hydrothermal/solvothermal synthesis of 1D/3D nanomaterials and their application in hybrid and flexible perovskite solar cells and solar fuel. We appreciate Dr. Mali for his participation and support.

09 Jan / 2019

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Feng Ding from Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, Institute for Basic Science and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Ding is a renowned scholar who specializes in the multi-dimensional carbon materials, 2D materials, materials’ growth mechanism, and method development for multiscale modeling. We appreciate Dr. Ding for his participation and support.

16 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Mattias Edén from Stockholm University, Sweden, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Edén is a renowned scholar who specializes in solid state NMR; disordered materials; oxide-based glasses; glass structure; bioactive glasses; biomineralization. We appreciate Dr. Edén for his participation and support.

13 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Prof. Jack Luo from University of Bolton, UK, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Prof. Luo is a renowned scholar who specializes in biosensors, microfluidics and lab-on-chip; flexible and transparent electronics; polymer-based microactuators for biomedical applications; nanomaterials and nanodevices; energy harvesting devices and systems. We appreciate Prof. Luo for his participation and support.

13 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Jian Wang from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Wang is a renowned scholar who specializes in improve mechanical properties and irradiation tolerance of materials by tailoring interfaces in solids and multiscale modeling and characterization of deformation twinning in lightweight structural materials. We appreciate Dr. Wang for his participation and support.

12 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Associate Professor Zhi-Gang Chen from University of Southern Queensland, Australia, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Associate Professor Chen is a renowned scholar who specializes in thermoelectric materials and devices; topological insulators; compound semiconductors; functional materials; nanotechnology. We appreciate Associate Professor Chen for his participation and support.

08 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Antonino Recca from University of Catania, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Recca is a renowned scholar who specializes in synthesis and characterization of engineering polymers, characterization of thermosetting mixtures, fibre-reinforced composite materials, antioxidants and flame retardants. He is the author of more than 115 publications on international journals and numerous communications at national and international conferences. He has carried out the activity of referee for the following journals: Polymer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Polymer Engineering and science, International polymer Processing. We appreciate Dr. Recca for his participation and support.

06 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Aleksey D. Drozdov from Aalborg University, Denmark, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Drozdov is a renowned scholar who specializes in double-network gels with dynamic bonds, glassy polymers, macroporous temperature-sensitive gels with fast response, stimuli-responsive hydrogels, supramolecular elastomers, nanomechanics of 2D graphene-like materials, electromechanical response of Li-ion batteries. We appreciate Dr. Drozdov for his participation and support.

06 Nov / 2018

Recent Progress in Materials Welcomes New Editorial Board Member

We sincerely welcome Dr. Charles-Olivier Bacri from Centre of Nuclear Science and Matter Science (CSNSM), France, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Bacri is a senior researcher who specializes in physics with accelerators. Experienced in pluridisciplinary research, its mains researches concern ion beam analysis, effect of radiations on matter, and more recently, isotopic separation for medical applications. He is scientific responsible of the SCALP (Synthesis and Characterization using ion Accelerators for Pluridisciplinarity research) platform, consisting on one part of an ion implanter and one tandem coupled with a transmission electron microscope (MET), JANNuS-Orsay, and on the other hand an isotopic separator. We appreciate Dr. Bacri for his participation and support.