We welcome Dr. Jorge de Brito from University of Lisbon, Portugal, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. de Brito is a Fellow of the Portuguese Chartered Engineers Institution and other national professional associations, he has been a member of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, the Fédération Internationale du Béton, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (full member of working groups W80, W86 and W115) and International Association for Bridge Management and Safety. Dr. de Brito has extensive experience in: sustainable construction (recycled aggregates in concrete and mortars); bridge and building management systems; buildings service life (prediction); life cycle assessment; construction technology. We appreciate Dr. de Brito for his participation and support.
We welcome Dr. Vincenzo M. Sglavo from University of Trento, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Sglavo is author of more than 150 scientific papers and 12 patents, he is a member of the American Ceramic Society and Society of Glass Technology. Dr. Sglavo has extensive experience in: glass science & technology, ceramics processing & engineering, mechanical properties of materials, recovery & re-use of inorganic residues & materials. We appreciate Dr. Sglavo for his participation and support.
We welcome Dr. Andrey E. Miroshnichenko from University of New South Wales, Australia, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Miroshnichenko is a renowned scholar who specializes in nanophotonics, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy, optical and photonic systems, photodetectors, optical sensors and solar cells, classical and physical optics, antennas and propagation, microwave and millimetrewave theory and technology, photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications. We appreciate Dr. Miroshnichenko for his participation and support.
We welcome Prof. Vincent G. Harris from Northeastern University, USA, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Prof. Harris has published more than 350 technical articles in peer-reviewed science and engineering journals. Additionally, he holds more than 20 patents or patent applications, and has presented more than 300 papers at national and international meetings, including more than 100 by specific invitation. His main research interest is materials design and the study of processing, structure and magnetism in a wide range of electronic materials, devices and systems used principally in high frequency applications such as sensors, radar and communication systems and platforms. We appreciate Prof. Harris for his participation and support.
We welcome Dr. Giuliana Magnacca from University of Torino, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Her main research interest is synthesis and characterization of materials; materials for environmental applications (adsorbents, photocatalysts); nanofiltration systems; surface functionalization of natural fibers. We are grateful to Dr. Magnacca for her participation and support.
We welcome Dr. Chih-Ching Huang from National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. His main research interest is carbon based nanomaterials, metallic nanoclusters, natural antibacterial and antiviral nanomaterials, nano-anticoagulants, nanozymes. We appreciate Dr. Huang for his participation and support.
We welcome Dr. Dorina Lauritano from University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Lauritano has authored 169 indexed publications. She has developed studies about oral stomatopirosis and related problems. Nowadays she is deal in research about biomolecular aspects of precancerous pathologies of oral mucosae, with focus on the role of MAPKinasi. Her researches have had Ministerial funding (COFIN 2005, 2006, 2007). Her main research interest is Oral medicine, oral biology, molecular biology. We appreciate Dr. Lauritano for her participation and support.
We welcome Dr. Xian Jun Loh from A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Dr. Loh is currently the Head of Department of the Soft Materials Department at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR. Dr. Loh has authored over 170 journal papers, 38 patents and know-hows, over 30 book chapters and 7 books. His main research interest is water soluble polyhydroxyalkanoates, biodegradable thermogelling polymers, supramolecular host–guest polymeric materials. We appreciate Dr. Loh for his participation and support.
We welcome Prof. Sotirios Baskoutas from University of Patras, Greece, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Prof. Baskoutas has authored over 140 research articles in peer reviewed journals in the field of condensed matter physics and materials science with more than 3700 citations. His main research interest is design and theoretical study of electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructured materials such as quantum dots, quantum wells and nanorods; synthesis (with physical methods) and characterization of semiconductor nanostructured materials. We appreciate Prof. Baskoutas for his participation and support.
We welcome Professor Daniel Chateigner from Normandie Université, France, to join the Editorial Board of Recent Progress in Materials. Professor Chateigner is a full professor of Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matériaux (CRISMAT), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN), Normandie Université, Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT), and Université de Caen Normandie. His main research interests are combined analysis, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, EBSD, synchrotron, anisotropic properties, materials science, texture analysis, softwares/databases, reflectivity, anisotropic spectroscopies, biomineralisation/molluscs/fossils, atomic force microscopy, anisotropic elaboration techniques, tomography. We are grateful to Professor Chateigner for his participation and support.