Journal of Energy and Power Technology (JEPT) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. This periodical is dedicated to providing a unique, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary platform for researchers, scientists and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies and industry. The journal is also of interest to technology developers, planners, policy makers and technical, economic and policy advisers to present their research results and findings.

Journal of Energy and Power Technology focuses on all aspects of energy and power. It publishes not only original research and review articles, but also various other types of articles from experts in these fields, such as Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, and more, to promote intuitive understanding of the state-of-the-art and technology trends.

Main research areas include (but are not limited to):
Renewable energies (e.g. geothermal, solar, wind, hydro, tidal, wave, biomass) and grid connection impact
Energy harvesting devices
Energy storage
Hybrid/combined/integrated energy systems for multi-generation
Hydrogen energy 
Fuel cells
Nuclear energy
Energy economics and finance
Energy policy
Energy and environment
Energy conversion, conservation and management
Smart energy system

Power generation - Conventional and renewable
Power system management
Power transmission and distribution
Smart grid technologies
Micro- and nano-energy systems and technologies
Power electronic
Biofuels and alternatives
High voltage and pulse power
Organic and inorganic photovoltaics
Batteries and supercapacitors

Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 6.6 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 11.7 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 7 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)

Open Access Research Article

Design and Management of Renewable Energy Systems for Isolated Communities with No Grid Connection

Received: 10 October 2024;  Published: 07 March 2025;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2501005


The growing demand for energy and the need to reduce dependence on non-renewable sources have driven the research and application of sustainable technologies. In this context, an integrated solution that combines distributed energy generation from renewable sources, such as wind and hydro, with efficient management of household energy consumption is [...]

Open Access Original Research

Experimental Study and Kinetic Modeling of Agro-Industrial Wastes for Conversion to Fuel Gas via the Boudouard Reaction

Received: 12 November 2024;  Published: 24 January 2025;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2501004


Independent parallel reactions (IPR) and distributed activation energy (DAEM) kinetic models were developed and compared for the combined pyrolysis-gasification of two agro-industrial waste materials. The aim was to recycle greenhouse gas carbon dioxide for mitigating emissions, to evaluate the thermal behavior, reactivity, conversion and product compos [...]

Open Access Original Research

Optimization of Heat Transfer in Parabolic Trough Collectors Using Advanced Turbulator Designs and Nanofluids

Received: 19 October 2024;  Published: 15 January 2025;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2501003


Parabolic trough collectors (PTCs) are essential for solar thermal energy systems, and their thermal efficiency can be significantly enhanced using turbulators and nanofluids. This numerical study introduces three novel fin-spiral turbulator configurations (4, 7, and 10 blades) to enhance heat transfer within the absorber tube. Additionally, three nanof [...]

Open Access Editorial

Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Journal of Energy and Power Technology in 2024

Received: 02 January 2025;  Published: 02 January 2025;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2501002


The editors of Journal of Energy and Power Technology would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for assessing manuscripts in 2024. We greatly appreciate the contribution of expert reviewers, which is crucial to the journal's editorial process. We aim to recognize reviewer contributions through several mechanisms, of which [...]

Open Access Original Research

Quantification and Comparative Analysis of Environmental Factors to Large-Scale Solar Plant’s Energy Performance via Regression and Linear Correlation Models

Received: 15 September 2024;  Published: 02 January 2025;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2501001


Performance degradation, including system deterioration, corrosion, and energy loss in solar PV systems, can be caused by environmental conditions such as high humidity, frequent rainfall, and temperature swings in tropical nations. Over the years, photovoltaic energy has been successfully developed to have low production costs and high efficiency. [...]

Open Access Original Research

High Data Rate MWD Mud Pulse Telemetry – From Mysteries to Discovery

Received: 07 September 2024;  Published: 06 December 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2404023


Our new approach to MWD mud pulse telemetry offers significant increases over conventional data rates. Using waveguide acoustics, we show that common drilling communications channels support carrier frequencies exceeding several hundred Hertz. Such signals are prone to attenuation over large drillpipe distances. Low power, self-spinning “turbosiren [...]

Open Access Original Research

Post-Combustion CO2 Capture from an Industrial Power Plant Using Five Chemical Solvents: A Comparative TEA

Received: 19 August 2024;  Published: 21 November 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2404022


CO2 capture processes using five chemical solvents were modeled in Aspen Plus V.12.1 for the capture of more than 90% CO2 from a 456 ton/hour split flue gas stream containing 12.02 mol% CO2 emitted by the Longview 780 MW power plant (West Virginia, USA). Since the flue gas contained 33.10 ppmv SO2 and 35.47 ppmv NO2, a gas polishing process, using deion [...]

Open Access Original Research

Stability Improvement of Multimachine System Using Back-To-Back Converters

Received: 15 July 2024;  Published: 15 November 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2404021


As the penetration level of inverter-based generators continues to increase, it becomes crucial to reduce power oscillations between inverters and synchronous generators (SG) to improve system stability. This paper uses a multimachine system as the research platform and proposes a grid separation method employing a multi-terminal back-to-back converter [...]

Open Access Short Report

The Brazilian Research Scenario in Green Hydrogen: A Brief Contextualization

Received: 18 April 2024;  Published: 11 November 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2404020


Hydrogen is crucial in various industrial sectors and can be obtained through different synthesis routes. However, a significant portion of its production still relies on chemical processes involving fossil fuels, resulting in hydrogen and the generation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) as the final byproduct. In alignment with the goals of the 2030 Agenda [...]

Open Access Original Research

Nanostructure-Based Solid-State Energy Storage through Hydrogen Trapping in Batteries Using Materials Modelling Technique

Received: 15 August 2024;  Published: 07 November 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2404019


A comprehensive investigation on hydrogen grabbing by SiO-GeO was carried out, including DFT computations at the CAM-B3LYP-D3/6-311+G (d,p) level of theory. The data shows that if silicon elements are replaced by germanium, the H-grabbing energy will be ameliorated. Electromagnetic and thermodynamic properties of SiO, GeO, and SiO-GeO nanoclusters have [...]

Open Access Original Research

Security Length Associated with the Risk of Ammonia Tank Leak Using CTOA Criterion and ALOHA Software

Received: 06 August 2024;  Published: 31 October 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2404018


Ammonia is a toxic gas and can cause tragic consequences for humans. The damage level depends on concentration and duration of exposure. The security length associated with the risk of a tank leak at the acute exposure level of 30 ppm (AEGL-1) has been computed. Two tools have been combined: the CTOA criterion and the ALOHA software. The CTOA, a measure [...]

Open Access Original Research

An Application of Excess Solar and Storage Capacity Optimization for Grid Services

Received: 11 May 2024;  Published: 20 September 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2403017


This initiative aims to enhance the efficiency of utility demand response (DR) operations by coordinating and integrating behind-the-meter (BTM) photovoltaic systems (PV) and energy storage (ES) using innovative machine learning software applications embedded in a distributed control architecture. The project is in the process of creating distributed [...]

Open Access Research Article

Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System for Generating Energy to Dairy Farm Activities

Received: 28 April 2024;  Published: 26 August 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2403016


Minas Gerais is the leading milk-producing state in Brazil, and many dairy activities are supplied with electricity by the cable aerial network of the electrical energy state company. Given that the Brazilian energy matrix relies primarily on hydroelectric power, studies on the potential of other renewable energy sources in the context of dairy farms [...]

Open Access Original Research

Probabilistic Modeling of Cyber-Physical Microgrid Systems to Evaluate the Reliability and Resiliency Implications of Cyber Attacks

Received: 02 April 2024;  Published: 07 August 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2403015


The integration of cyber and physical layer of the grid has not only introduced a microscopic spectacle to observe and ensure the efficient flow of electricity but has also exposed the interdependencies of the network. These cyber-physical interdependencies are often exploited in the form of cyber-attacks that can disable a grid introducing substantial [...]

Open Access Research Article

Physical Characterization of Solar Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Materials for Solar Dryers: Case of Volcanic Stone (Pozzolan) in Chad

Received: 25 March 2024;  Published: 01 August 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2403014


Many sensible heat storage materials are regularly used as thermal energy storage (TES) systems to improve the efficiency of solar dryers. The present work focuses on the effects of the volume and particle sizes of a volcanic stone (pozzolan) for the same purpose. Samples soaked in matt black and without soaking were also considered. Heat charge and [...]

Open Access Original Research

Elaboration, Structural and Optical Characterization of the New Ternary Chalcogenide SnSb2S5

Received: 29 March 2024;  Published: 17 July 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2403013


In this study, -antimony sulfide (SnSb2S5) thin films with 200 nm, 312 nm, and 431 nm thicknesses were successfully fabricated using thermal evaporation. These films' structural, optical, and photoanode properties were meticulously characterized to assess their suitability for photovoltaic applications. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirmed the [...]

Open Access Original Research

The Effect of the Addition of Titanium Dioxide on Silicone Self-Adhesive Tapes

Received: 29 February 2024;  Published: 13 May 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2402012


The investigation aimed to delve into the intricate relationship between the presence of titanium dioxide and the resulting alterations in the adhesive's behavior under different conditions. The focus extended beyond mere observation to understand how these additives interact with the adhesive matrix, potentially imparting beneficial attributes. Notabl [...]

Open Access Original Research

Building Blocks for an Energy Transition

Received: 07 December 2023;  Published: 13 May 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2402011


The present need for an energy transition in the wake of a global climate catastrophe led to the “EU green deal” which requires a transition of the energy system in all countries. This study aimis survey aims to identify strategies within such an energy transition based on global trend analyses and reports on available technologies for implementatio [...]

Open Access Original Research

Design and Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Hybrid Mini-grid System for an Academic Institution

Received: 26 September 2023;  Published: 03 April 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2402010


Inadequate electricity supply is a global challenge that needs solutions. This situation has compelled the purchasing of fossil fuel-generating units for use in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors to generate electricity. However, using fossil fuel generating units cause greenhouse gas emissions, bringing about environmental pollution and [...]

Open Access Research Article

Local Authority Waste Management Strategies, the Circular Economy and the Generation of Energy from Waste in England

Received: 17 February 2024;  Published: 01 April 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2402009


The purpose of this article is to examine the approach to waste management of local authorities in England, to investigate their strategic objectives, and to ascertain to what extent sustainability and circular economy practices are in evidence in this context. A qualitative, inductive research method is used, based on an examination of secondary docume [...]

Open Access Original Research

Wind Farm Layout Optimization Subject to Cable Cost, Hub Height, and a Feasible 3D Gaussian Wake Model Implementation

Received: 06 February 2024;  Published: 15 March 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2401008


We address the Wind Farm Layout Optimization (WFLO) problem and tackle the optimal placement of several turbines within a specific (wind farm) area by incorporating additional aspects of an economically driven target function. With this, we contribute three refinements for WFLO research: First, while many research contributions optimize the turbines [...]

Open Access Review

A Review of North American Prospects for Power and Hot-Water Generation with Thermal Energy

Received: 20 November 2023;  Published: 21 February 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2401007


This article outlines an innovative approach to explore thermal energy extraction for power generation or industrial hot water applications. Unlike traditional steady-state models, this approach embraces time-variant scenarios, explicitly incorporating a cyclical fluid circulation strategy to maintain a stable surface fluid temperature or power output [...]

Open Access Original Research

Nonlinear Optimal Control for a PMLSG-VSC Wave Energy Conversion Unit

Received: 16 September 2023;  Published: 21 February 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2401006


This article aims to treat the nonlinear control problem for the complex dynamics of a wave energy unit (WEC) that consists of a Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator (PMLSG) and a Voltage Source Converter (VSC). The article has developed a globally stable nonlinear optimal control method for this wave power generation unit. The new method avoid [...]

Open Access Review

Floating Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters: A Review of Developments

Received: 09 December 2023;  Published: 07 February 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2401005


The main challenge in designing offshore renewable energy structures is to ensure their structural integrity on a life cycle basis while operating in harsh environments and, in parallel, being financially competitive and environmentally friendly concerning other types of energy systems. The Oscillating Water Column (OWC) converters are among the first [...]

Open Access Research Article

Monitoring Energy-Loss-Driven-Cost by Using Earned Value Simulation in Complex Systems

Received: 24 July 2023;  Published: 06 February 2024;  doi: 10.21926/jept.2401004


The economic impact of energy loss stemming from end-user electricity consumption is a significant concern, with historical trends revealing escalating costs. Effectively managing both peak and off-peak demands remains a formidable challenge due to the unpredictable nature of consumer behaviors, leading to energy wastage. This study delves into the [...]

Historical Announcements

Update: Article Processing Charge (Price Changes Effective January 1, 2025) 2024-10-21
Prof. Dr. Tek Tjing Lie Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Energy and Power Technology 2024-10-25

Journal of Energy and Power Technology welcomes the following types of articles: original research, review, communication, opinion, comment, conference report, technical note, book review, etc. There is no restriction on the length of the papers, color figures, supplementary file types. More details please see Instructions for Authors.

Register and Submit now.


Prof. Dr. Tek Tjing Lie Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Energy and Power Technology

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Tek Tjing Lie has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Energy and Power Technology (ISSN: 2690-1692).

Professor Dr. Tek Tjing Lie is Head of School of the School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology (AUT). He is a distinguished researcher in the field of electrical and power systems engineering. His research spans a wide array of topics, with a particular focus on energy management, optimization techniques, smart grid technologies, and renewable energy integration.

We wish our new Editor-in-Chief success in both his research and the development of the journal.

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Journal of Energy and Power Technology 2025

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